Attachment Parenting

AP-Lite/Co-sleeping with baby on the way

Hi there, my DS 10 months goes down at night in his crib upstairs in his room. Mid-way through the night I bring him to my bed. Generally because he gets upset when I lay him back down in his crib.

With that being said, we are expecting #4 and we only have a queen sized bed so I'd like to transition DS to staying in his crib through the night. Any suggestions?

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: AP-Lite/Co-sleeping with baby on the way

  • jk382jk382 member
    When my son was 14 months we worked with a sleep consultant and did a light version of sleep training because co-sleeping really wasn't working anymore.  First, we taught him what "lay down" meant while playing.  Then we did modified sleep lady shuffle.  If he would lay down, we stayed in the room with him until he fell asleep.  If he wanted to play, we would leave the room (usually on 30 seconds or so) and then go back in and try again.  It took several weeks, but were got to the point where we could put him in his crib and he would put himself to sleep.  For night wake-ups, we always respond.  I just started having DH go in, instead of me. DS knew that if I went in, I would let him sleep in my bed, but he didn't expect that from DH.  We still co-sleep some (illness, vacation, bad night), but not all the time and everyone is getting much more sleep.  
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