
Six years ago tonight

Six years ago right now, I was calling DH to tell him I thought I was having a miscarriage. I was 23 weeks and 5 days pregnant and knew something was wrong. I had no car, DH was an hour away and I knew very little about preterm labor. I waited for the paramedics to come only to be told since I wasn't bleeding, they didn't think it was an emergency. While waiting for DH to get home, all I could to was pray, "Dear God, please don't let my baby be dead."

A few hours later, I was told DD would be born within the next 72 hours and after that no one knew what would happen. She was born just 8 hours later. It was not a happy birth. People kept saying congratulations and wanting to take pictures and all I could feel was that it was like going to a funeral.

Tomorrow I'll be happy, but tonight, not so much. It didn't help that earlier, DH casually mentioned to DD, "You know, just 6 years ago tonight, your mommy was calling me to tell me she thought you were on your way." That kind of started all of this.

I know you ladies will understand. I'm so thankful DD has made it this far, and after 6 years, it's a lot better, but it's still hard sometimes. I promise, though, it does get better.

Edited to fix formatting

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Re: Six years ago tonight

  • Hugs to you. I hope tonight goes quickly for you. These anniversaries are so tough. Today's a tough day for me but tomorrow was much better so I'm looking forward to falling asleep and waking up in a happier memory!!

    Our little hippo was as impatient as mom!

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

    Hoping for a full 40 weeks!! 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • I was just lying here thinking how one year ago right now I was in the beginning stages of labor with my son after only 4 days of hospital bed rest. I never realized how tough these anniversaries would be. It's good to hear that they do get better. Hugs to you.
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  • Anniversaries are definitely tough-mine are coming up as well with June 8 being the day I was hospitalize for pPROM just before I hit 24 weeks. I think that no matter how well our kiddos are doing years after, it doesn't take the pain away of  the prematurity experience at all. Although, I do agree that it does get better over time. Hugs to you and I happy birthday to Abby!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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  • Happy Birthday Abby! Hugs Mama. 




  • Pips09Pips09 member
    It is really hard to relive what is one of the scariest days of our lives.I still tear up when thinking about my story, and when hearing other stories, too. Happy birthday to your girl!
    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

  • you have such great perspective.  Im glad you let yourself run through those emotions last night but also have the emotional capacity to celebrate with your daughter today.  

    In some ways I am relieved to hear that while things get easier that the emotions of it still persist.  It is from those emotions that I really get fueled to advocate for my daughter as well as continue to be passionate about prematurity research and care.  

    mom to V; 25 weeker born at 1lb 7oz
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

  • KatFCoKatFCo member
    Thank you everyone! Today is a much better day and it is helpful to remember not only where she started, but how far she's come. Hang in there everyone!
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