Interested in the name Bennett, and my first middle name thought was James, resulting in a BJ initials. Then I thought about our last name starting with an M and realized BM (bowel movement?) Does anyone else think this?
We named our daughter Addison Reese- full initials ARM. This did not deter me from naming her that, but does get in the way of using her full initials on things I might buy on pottery barn kids.
I really like the name Bennett nn ben, other boy choices are Quinn and Brennan. Open to suggestions.
Re: Initials important?
"I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life's a bitch. You've got to go out and kick ass." Maya Angelou
~ Auntie to L: 2013 and Peanut: EDD 11/2014 ~
All this being said, I know quite a few people with these initials and had never thought about it until we were naming our DS1.
Edited: sorry I'm mobile and the bump
ate my heart lol
Unless the initials as a whole spell or infer something bad [i.e. ASSs, SLT, etc.], I say don't worry too much about it.
ETA: FWIW I think Bennett James is a lovely name!
Laughing as I read this. This is how my mind thinks! I was thinking of mocking and teasing, but that is just as bad. I guess it depends on if you have anyone in your life who uses the term bowel movement. Our cousins were instructed to use this term growing up and to say they had to make a BM if they needed to go. Our family thought it was funny and I will probably never forget it. (we were clearly not as refined as them and used other terms
BJM ? It doesn't look so bad
Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017
If James isn't a family name to honor someone I'd pick something else. BM doesn't bother me, but BJ kinda does.
Bennett Paul
Bennett Rhys
Bennett Carl
Bennett Jude
Bennett Quinn
Either choose a different middle name and save James for a future kid or I like the suggestion of James Bennett.
Also your daughters monogram is actually aMr so it shouldn't be an issue! ;
That said, DH's name starts with a B and our last name is an S. So he's always has the initials BS and it's never been a problem.
Zoe Nicole: 8/21/14
Due again: 1/17/18