Attachment Parenting

Sleeping 16 month old....

My dd is 16 months. We have been cosleeping part of the night. We used to nurse to sleep in our bed and then I would sometimes move her to her crib so that I could have some time to myself in the evening. Then at her first waking I would bring her into our bed and nurse throughout the night.Lately she has been falling asleep without nursing YAY :) However for the past few nights in the evening she won't even go in our room. I try nursing her in another room and then carrying her in there while nursing and as soon as I make it through the door she starts crying. Last night she got so upset that she was just laying on the floor crying and I couldn't do anything to sooothe her.She eventally calmed down and fell asleep laying on the carpet. She is such a happy baby and I just don't know how to make her transition into sleep better. Any ideas?

Re: Sleeping 16 month old....

  • Could you incorporate some positive nighttime routine into going in to the bedroom? A bedtime routine is something I've been intending to work on, because all I do is go nurse DS to sleep in bed when he's ready. I do sing a special lullaby, but that's it, and I want to do more.

    You could let her choose from two or three books one to take into the bedroom for you two to snuggle and read, you could give her a little massage on the bed after her last diaper change, sing to her, etc., but the idea would be to give her positive associations with bedtime that she will look forward to at night.

    DS is 19 months old and occasionally melts down before bed if he's too tired. Even if he collapses sobbing on the floor, I scoop him up and take him to the bedroom and calm him down in there. Good luck!
  • I id try the bedtime routine for a little while, the problem is she isn't really on a schedule, and I don't see how I can get her on one other than CIO (which I don't want to do). Depending on how long and when she naps she goes to sleep anywhere from 7:30 - 10 although usually on the later end. So sometimes I would do the bedtime routine and then she wouldn't even stay in the bed and not fall asleep for a bit after it, or if I start to late, she just falls asleep before I get to it.
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