I recently found out I am pregnant. Yay! It's too early to know the sex but there is a name that I have loved since high school for a girl 11 years ago There has never been another name that I have wanted. My DH's cousin, who is also our neighbor and friend, just had a baby. When we told her our choice for a girls name she told us that her and her husband had planned on using that name if/when they had a boy obviously it is a gender neutral name because it is her fathers name. Now they had never told anyone the names that they had chosen they are big on secrets but I had wanted the name before she had ever gotten pregnant anyways, it's not like I stole it. She was pretty clear that she didn't want us to use the name. But I can't imagine calling a daughter anything else. What do you think? Other than hopefully its a boy lol. Is it worth the possible drama?
Re: Need an opinion about name conflict
Trying to get knocked up since June 2012 ~ Dx: PCOS
BFP 7.24.13 ~ EDD 4.2.14 ~ m/c 9.16.13 @ 11w4d
BFP 5.4.14 ~ EDD 1.12.15 ~ stick little bean!
TTGP 2013 Best Blog ~ Fruit ~ My BFP Chart
I go both ways on this.
No one owns a name so you have every right to use it. There is nothing wrong w/ it, at all.
However, at the same time, this is a neighbor and a cousin and if you use it, it may really upset them (no matter how much WE, here, don't think it should matter) and could affect your relationship with them. This isn't just a name she's always loved - it's her fathers name.
You and DH need to decide what is more important to you.
if you find out you're having a girl, though, you both could approach the cousin and just tell her that you know the name is important to her and that it's also important to you. You do plan on using it, but you personally don't care if she uses it when (if) she eventually has a boy.
But again - you have to plan on her being upset. Just figure out what matters the most to you.
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
I agree with all of this. My sister stole THE boy name that I adored since 3rd grade. I'm still bitter! (but I have my big girl panties on and I'm over it)
I agree here, too. I usually say name your baby what you want, but it is a family name for her.
Your baby, your name.
If this is the name you love and both you and your husband agree then go for it. I would wait until the sex of your baby is found out. We are pregnant and do not need added stress. Who knows maybe you will have a boy?
Good luck xo
Please share the name, I'm very curious as to what it is. And if their can be a variation or something simular to suggest.
Also is she pregnant? If not, then name your baby what you want. You are pregnant now and having a baby sooner than her so if you have a girl name her what you LOVE. If you don't you will regret it. I promise. I still have naming regret for my daughter Josephine. It fits her and its a great name but it wasn't the name I LOVED!
That seems counterproductive on a baby names board. We are usually really happy to offer constructive advice. We understand that people have different styles and opinions, and it's kind of hard to offer a complete answer to your name conflict. You can name your child whatever you want, and so can she. If it happens to be the same name, that's life.