
Fashion / Accessories

So, I recently have lost 40 lbs.  I still have about another 20 - 30 to go. 

I just went out and bought some new clothes.  I even bought something from the juniors department.  I can't remember the last time I could do that.  It's been nice to go out and buy cute clothes, although I have to say some of the styles are not really me.

I'm more of a dresser for comfort.  I mean, I do get dressed up when DH and I go out and I have some nicer clothes to go out in, but on an average day, I have jeans and cute (and comfy ) shirt.  Now that I feel a little more comfortable in my own skin and am dressing a little "fancier," I want to accessorize.

Anyways, I notice a lot of women wear jewelry, like the chunky necklaces, earrings, rings, etc.  I go to the store and stand there and as much as I like them and want to wear them, I just don't think I can pull them off.  I don't know why.   Am I the only one who feels like this? 

I obviously know not to overdo it, but right now my jewelry consists of my wedding ring, small diamond stud earrings and a white gold necklace with a heart charm.



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Re: Fashion / Accessories

  • First off, congrats on the weight loss! I too am looking to lose about a total of 50 lbs. I'm down 30 in 14 months with the help of WW so I still have quite a ways to go. These last 15-20 lbs are killer! I too dress for comfort and you can always find me in a nice top with cargo shorts (maternity shorts...gasp) and a fleece. I'm a plain Jane. The only jewelry I wear is a necklace and diamond earrings. I don't wear any rings or other jewelry. So I will be checking this thread often for suggestions :)

  • If you're not comfortable with chunky jewelry, don't buy it. You can still make a statement with something more subtle. I always loved the jewery at the LOFT. Here's a cute necklace:

    You could also buy a colorful pair of shoes or a clutch. Jewelry is not the only thing you can use for a pop of color. Have fun!
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  • imageMrsCodeMonkey:
    If you're not comfortable with chunky jewelry, don't buy it. You can still make a statement with something more subtle. I always loved the jewery at the LOFT. You could also buy a colorful pair of shoes or a clutch. Jewelry is not the only thing you can use for a pop of color. Have fun!

    I do love it and want, I just sometimes feel like I look ridiculous, if that makes sense... 

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  • I am the same as you. I have my wedding and engagement rings, a silver Tiffany's ring, my diamond studs, and a diamond and sapphire necklace that I add for special occasions. I am currently on the lookout for a more every day necklace but it will be something pretty neutral that will go with everything I own.

    My SIL is way into accessories and has tons of jewelry. I just can't get into it.

    image image
  • I suck at accessories but Congrats on the weight loss!! Most of my cute necklaces and stuff come from MIL. (She has fabulous taste.)  I just look for necklaces or bracelets that have some of the same colors of the clothes that are in my wardrobe.
  • suv75suv75 member
    I also love chunky jewelry but am clueless as to how to pull it off.
  • imageLuckie519:

    If you're not comfortable with chunky jewelry, don't buy it. You can still make a statement with something more subtle. I always loved the jewery at the LOFT.

    You could also buy a colorful pair of shoes or a clutch. Jewelry is not the only thing you can use for a pop of color. Have fun!

    I do love it and want, I just sometimes feel like I look ridiculous, if that makes sense... 

    Yeah, I get it. I don't buy stuff just because it's in fashion. I need to like it and be comfortable with it to wear it, otherwise it's a waste of money.

    Sounds like you like classic pieces that go with everything. Have you ever shopped at the Swarovski store? A few of my favorite pieces come from there and go with nearly everything. I think the metal is rhodium, which doesn't rust, but won't break the piggy bank like gold or platinum. Plus, the crystals are gorgeous.
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  • IMO, it's confidence or comfort that makes people able to pull something off, not the way you look. If you think a scarf or necklace is fabulous, just wear it, don't over-think it. (And if you're going to wear something bold, do only pick items you really love. That helps too with the confidence.)

    I was terrified of hats for a long time because I had it in my head that I have a fat face and that hats make my face fat. I finally had to buy a hat for a party I was going to, and ya know, it looked so cute. All this time I'd been missing out because I defined hats as "not for me."

    DH and I are kind of funky when it comes to accessories, so people are always saying the "I could never pull that off" stuff to us. Sometimes I think they're just saying our taste is too weird for them, but other times I think people are just limiting themselves because of their own insecurities. You don't have to be like a supermodel to have some fun with how you dress.

    ETA: Also, if it's a very trendy style or something you're iffy on, look for an inexpensive option. I know there are some issues with so-called "fast fashion" but for small items like necklaces and scarves, I can often find some good options at Target or F21. Or you could also check Goodwill or resale shops. If you're not spending as much, maybe it won't seem as risky, KWIM?

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  • imageGrayGhost13:
    IMO, it's confidence or comfort that makes people able to pull something off, not the way you look. If you think a scarf or necklace is fabulous, just wear it, don't overthink it. And if you're going to wear something bold, do only pick items you really love. That helps too with the confidence.I was terrified of hats for a long time because I had it in my head that I have a fat face and that hats make my face fat. I finally had to buy a hat for a party I was going to, and ya know, it looked so cute. All this time I'd been missing out because I defined hats as "not for me."DH and I are kind of funky when it comes to accessories, so people are always saying the "I could never pull that off" stuff to us. Sometimes I think they're just saying our taste is too weird for them, but other times I think people are just limiting themselves because of their own insecurities. You don't have to be like a supermodel to have some fun with how you dress. ETA: Also, if it's a very trendy style or something you're iffy on, look for an inexpensive option. I know there are some issues with socalled "fast fashion" but for small items like necklaces and scarves, I can often find some good options at Target or F21. Or you could also check Goodwill or resale shops. If you're not spending as much, maybe it won't seem as risky, KWIM?

    What kids of hats do you wear? Can you provide links or PIPs? I want to start wearing them, but can't seem to find the right weather or occasion. Do you wear them in the Spring and Fall or year around?

    I have this gorgeous red hat. I think it's wool, but it's thin. I never know when to wear it and all of a sudden it's summer and it's too hot for it. Right now it's in DD's dress up pile. I confess to never wearing it even though I had it for about 5 years.

    My thing lately is wearing dresses. I was so sick of jeans. I wanted to break out of the "mom" look if there is such a thing. I found a fabulous strapless summer dress at Old Navy for 30. It's orange with a blue print. Never thought I could pull it off until I put it on.
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                               photo photosig3_zps92919c91.jpg Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
  • imageMrsCodeMonkey:
    What kids of hats do you wear? Can you provide links or PIPs? I want to start wearing them, but can't seem to find the right weather or occasion. Do you wear them in the Spring and Fall or year around? I have this gorgeous red hat. I think it's wool, but it's thin. I never know when to wear it and all of a sudden it's summer and it's too hot for it. Right now it's in DD's dress up pile. I confess to never wearing it even though I had it for about 5 years. My thing lately is wearing dresses. I was so sick of jeans. I wanted to break out of the "mom" look if there is such a thing. I found a fabulous strapless summer dress at Old Navy for 30. It's orange with a blue print. Never thought I could pull it off until I put it on.

    I have one similar to this, but it's gray and the brim is a little more asymmetrical, I think. It's definitely a winter hat, too warm to wear in the spring or summer here in Florida, although you could probably wear it in the fall up north.

    I also have this huge thing for the beach. It's great for sun protection but can be a little inconvenient on a windy day. I kinda think I want to grab a smaller summer hat some day, like a straw cloche or a panama.

    Both of these are pretty casual so I can get more use out of them. I love fancy hats, but can't justify buying one because we don't go to wedding and other formal occasions often enough to get much use.

    I suggest shopping in person or ordering from somewhere like Zappos that does easy returns, so you can try them on and see what you like.

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