March 2013 Moms


Anyone else putting baby down Drowsy But Awake yet? We are trying it now and she seems to be doing good. I'm trying to not have to rock her forever until she's dead asleep before sticking her in the crib!


  • Any time I try it fails :/
  • jmdahnjmdahn member

    DS#1 is 10.5 weeks and he has been going down DBA since he was 4 weeks.  we have even now broke the swaddle.  Down about 8:30 and feeding at 10 & 4 a.m.- getting up for the day about 8:30.

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  • I've been able to do this with DS2 since birth. It's amazing.

    DS1 not so much. But we got through it!

    image image
  • He will go down drowsy but awake pretty much every night and for his first nap of the day, but not the rest. However, DS1 also did this for a couple months and then stopped, so I'm not calling it a win quite yet. ;)
  • Yeah, I really want to get this going too. I am so tired of rocking him! Every time I put him down drowsy (or even when I put him down asleep but he wakes right up) he starts wriggling and thrashing his head back and forth. I am not sure how long I should let him do that before picking him back up to rock him again. Wait until he starts fussing maybe? But I feel like the longer I let him do it, then the harder it is to get him back to sleep once I pick him up. 

    On a bright note, I just put him down for a nap (after rocking him to sleep) and he woke up after a few minutes. I watched him on the monitor and he wiggled for a little bit, then fell back to sleep. Way to go buddy!

  • DBA at night with great success, not so much for daytime naps... about 50:50.
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Mine does really well at night sleeps through the night too, it's amazing, but daytime naps are hit or miss. She still heavily relies on being swaddled. She will at least fall sleep now if she isn't, but she wakes up within 20 min because of her crazy little arms lol.
  • Yes! I actually refused to buy a rocker or glider so that I wouldn't be tempted to rock my baby to sleep every night. It's bath, bottle, bed...drowsy but awake, every night. DD is doing great.
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