TTC after 35

Over 40 IVF how many embryos?

We are going forward with IVF but are trying to decide on paying per cycle or doing the multi cycle discount which offers two fresh cycles and unlimited frozens provided you had some to freeze from the fresh. Sounds great but I am wondering if you end up with extras usually. I know everyone is different but would love to know if anyone on here is 40 or over and did IVF and got frozen embryos from their fresh cycles. Thx!
Me:39 Dx LPD, Fibroid, AMA and all that goes with that. H:37 Dx low motility and low morphology. TTC since 3/12. Clomid 8/12 and 9/12: BFN. 11/12 on a break for Myomectomy sched. 11/26. Resume TTC early 2013.

Re: Over 40 IVF how many embryos?

  • Eager to hear the answers you get!  I'm 41 and we just paid for Attain (is that what you got?) We figured with the statistics, it was better to be safe and prepare for multi-cycles. In opened up a very healthy discount on meds for us (we are paying for this 100% as our insurance does not cover it). Plus...we had already decided that if there are extras that we are not wanting to move forward with, there are so many couples in desperate need of donor embies...we'd be honored to help by donating ours to them.

     Best of luck to you!

     BTW...I start my meds on Saturday (in suppression mode right now). 

  • Good luck to you, too! I am two weeks always from suppression so just trying to wrap my head around this and pull the trigger. Did you elect to do PGD? The program I am doing is not called attain and I don't believe it comes with med discounts :. It's 17500 for the two fresh plus unlimited frozen that doesn't include meds. We're doing ICSI too but I am thinking of adding PGD which is 21500 with ICSI.
    Me:39 Dx LPD, Fibroid, AMA and all that goes with that. H:37 Dx low motility and low morphology. TTC since 3/12. Clomid 8/12 and 9/12: BFN. 11/12 on a break for Myomectomy sched. 11/26. Resume TTC early 2013.
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  • I am 43 and just finished up my egg retrieval.  My doctor retrieved 8 mature follies and we were able to freeze 3 blasts.  This was my first and only cycle, so it is possible....and, like the other person said, you can donate your extras, if, you are ok with that....

    Best of luck to you and keep us posted on what you decide. 

    Lilypie Trying to Conceive 15 to 80 day cycle tickers
  • Lurker 2cents-Ticker warning

    I would ask your RE his/her opinion based on the results of your lab work.  I know many ladies who don't have too many embries after 40, but I have seen some ladies have 40-50 eggs at retrieval (although this is not the norm!)  I started my 1st IVF cycle at 40, always had <3 embries to transfer.  I would be cautious about putting all your $$$ into a multi-cycle discount program if that is all your $$.  If there's ANY chance that you might consider DE in the future then it might be important to use your money wisely at this juncture.  We had RE that suggested we move to DE right after our first cancelled IVF cycle, he knew and was telling it like it is.....after much heartache and discussion that is the route we needed to get our BFP.  We fired that RE and moved onto different RE.   I tend to be blunt and straightforward, but I wish that I could have seen my 3+ year TTC journey before it began...might have choosen to proceed differently.  That said, I hope that you are one of the lucky ones that gets PG using IVF on your first attempt.   GL!! and I hope to see you on PG after 35 soon!

    TTC since 10/09 Me-43 DH-44 RE and testing 10/10-11/10, Recommending IVF 1/11 New RE AMA and DOR-DH low motility IVF #1.1 cancelled 3/11 due to poor response IVF #1.2 May 2011, one perfect 8-cell embryo, 3dt-BFN, IVF #2.1 Converted to IUI d/t poor response. New RE 9/2011. IVF 2.2 completed using HGH,EPP,DHEA, Q-10 and accupuncture. Transferred one 8-cell, grade one embryo on 10/19. BFP 10/31/11 Chemical pregancy on 11/2/11. Started stims for IVF #3, our final try, on 12-2-11. ET on 12/18. Transferred 3 Grade A embryos-BFFN Planning DE IVF, late March/early April- Donors ER expected to be 4/2-4/4. PAIF/SAIF welcome
  • Lurking in...

    I would crunch some numbers if i were you on multicycle plan costs vs what 2 fresh cycles would cost. I considered in my number crunching for the attain multicycle plan as a minimum 2 fresh cycle attempt, the frozen cycles, if there were any, would be bonus.

    My RE thought we would be good candidates for success when we did ivf. We had good numbers and I was only 37. I was unproven though in response as I had never done a medicated cycle before. With the great expense of IVF and also wanting to avoid twins, I just could not go forward without a guarantee of more than one shot on goal, so we decided to go with the multicycle plan with attain.

    I seriously though my cycle was doomed when I only had 9 mature eggs retrieved and 6 fertilized. The RE pushed us to do a 3 day transfer of 2 embryos. We did the 3 day transfer with just one embryo as we had planned and that is now DS. What was a pleasant surprise is that we had 3 nice blasts to freeze on day 5 or 6. The majority of cycles, even with young people, do not have any quality embryos left over to freeze.

    So even though we "overpaid" by buying the multicycle plan and having success on the first try, I am still glad I went that route.

    IVF #1 ET 1 d3 embryo 10/30/11 BFP
    3 Embryos frozen (1 d5, 2 d6)

    DS born 07/29/12

    FET #1 ET 1 d5 embryo 02/10/15 BFN

    FET #2 1 d6 embryo didn't survive thaw, transferred last d6. CP :(

  • Thanks! No we are going to adopt not do DE. I had crunched the numbers and thought it sounded like a deal if we were to have frozens. That's why I wanted to poll people to see what they got.
    Me:39 Dx LPD, Fibroid, AMA and all that goes with that. H:37 Dx low motility and low morphology. TTC since 3/12. Clomid 8/12 and 9/12: BFN. 11/12 on a break for Myomectomy sched. 11/26. Resume TTC early 2013.
  • Don't know what PGD is...BUT, we are doing ICSI as well...and it was 22,700, plus we are at just under 6K for meds and then 900 for frozen storage (I think that is for 5 years, but I could be wrong).  We just got the thumbs up this afternoon after my suppression check and final tests...RE says everything looks perfect so I am very excited.  DH starts on Zmax tomorrow and then shots start Sat. Whee!
  • Hi--

    I am 41 and will be doing FET on Monday.  I had 28 follicles, 13 eggs retrieved, 11 fertilized and they froze 5 embryos.  (They were afraid I would have OHSS)   No ICSI or assisted hatching necessary.  I only wanted between 5-7 frozen embryos anyways since we will do FET with all of them whether I get pregnant or not, so we were pretty happy with the results.  

  • Holy wow those are insane results! Good for you! I was told OHSS wasn't possible at my age and that they wouldn't do PGD because I won't have enough eggs. That made me think well shoot am I gonna have any to freeze?
    Me:39 Dx LPD, Fibroid, AMA and all that goes with that. H:37 Dx low motility and low morphology. TTC since 3/12. Clomid 8/12 and 9/12: BFN. 11/12 on a break for Myomectomy sched. 11/26. Resume TTC early 2013.
  • I don't know how they could tell you that you wouldn't have enough eggs if you haven't started your treatment yet.  That's insane.  Every woman is different.  Some women in their 40's have more embryos than those in their 20's and vice versa. They shouldn't be making "blanket" statements like that based only on age.  Have you done any IUI's with Gonal F or Follistim?  If not, I would highly recommend it because then at least you and the RE can get a feel for you how you respond.  (and you may even get pregnant - I did--but miscarried)  
  • I had no known fertility issues and had 21 eggs retrieved on IVF #1. 1 level A and two level B for transfer. None stuck and none to freeze. 2nd IVF, he used the same meds but moved the dosage around and I had 19 eggs retrieved. 2 level A and a B were put back in and one stuck! Have a beautiful little boy. We have two more frozen. One A and one B. We went into this never imagining we would have none to freeze.  The doctors don't know how you will do the first round but they can "tweak" things the second round. We had to start over the second round paying $16,000 again. But we got our miracle. Sending lots of prayers that you get your miracle on the first try.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagebelgirl:
    I don't know how they could tell you that you wouldn't have enough eggs if you haven't started your treatment yet. nbsp;That's insane. nbsp;Every woman is different. nbsp;Some women in their 40's have more embryos than those in their 20's and vice versa. They shouldn't be making "blanket" statements like that based only on age. nbsp;Have you done any IUI's with Gonal F or Follistim? nbsp;If not, I would highly recommend it because then at least you and the RE can get a feel for you how you respond. nbsp;and you may even get pregnant I didbut miscarried nbsp;

    Hmmm interesting. So sort or using the IUI as a test run? Even though my h was low motility? I have heard such negatives about IUI after 40. That it's a waist. But I never thought about using it to see how I respond to meds. I hate thinking the first IVF might be a waist if we only have two.
    Me:39 Dx LPD, Fibroid, AMA and all that goes with that. H:37 Dx low motility and low morphology. TTC since 3/12. Clomid 8/12 and 9/12: BFN. 11/12 on a break for Myomectomy sched. 11/26. Resume TTC early 2013.
  • Sorry I meant waste not waist!
    Me:39 Dx LPD, Fibroid, AMA and all that goes with that. H:37 Dx low motility and low morphology. TTC since 3/12. Clomid 8/12 and 9/12: BFN. 11/12 on a break for Myomectomy sched. 11/26. Resume TTC early 2013.
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