
Body Image issues

Okay, so I know "the reward is worth it."   Nevertheless, I've been having a lot of anxiety about how my body will look post-twins, and searching around on the internet always makes me feel so much worse! I'm nearing 35 weeks at this point, and I'm guessing I'll probably last until 37 or 38 weeks unless something changes--it's been a smooth pregnancy so far. I don't have any stretchmarks yet but I know I have some time left for them to appear.  I have gained 33 pounds.

A few questions for you BTDT mamas if you're willing to share:
*How long were you pregnant?
*Were the twins/trips your first pregnancy?
*How much weight did you gain during your pregnancy, and were you able to lose it?
*Did you have to work at losing the weight, or did it just come off?
*Did having a c-section (if you had one) make returning to your old figure much more difficult? (hoping for vag delivery!)
*Did you have stretchmarks? Were they bad? When did they appear?
*Twin skin? Did it ever go away? How long after birth?
*Will you ever wear a bikini again?
TTC #1 since 2/2011. Me: Age 36. Stage III Endo and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.
IUI #1 March: BFN, IUI #2 April: BFN.
IVF #1: Started stims 7/30--CANCELLED.
IVF #1.2: Stims start 10/8/12, ER: 10/20/12; 11R/8M/4F, 5DT: 10/25/12, transfer of a 4AA and 3AB Blast. BFP on HPT 10/31/12; Beta #1: (16 DPO) 954! Beta #2: (18 DPO) 1968! First U/S: TWINS!! A/S: TWO BOYS! EDD: 7/13/13
PAIF/SAIF Always Welcome.
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Re: Body Image issues

  • I gave birth at 35w 3d, had no stretch marks, put on about 35 lbs. First pregnancy. I lost all the weight almost immediately, although I do have a little pooch that probably won't go away. I have worn a bikini since then, since the pooch is probably only noticeable to me. Had a c-section and the scar is not visible in my bikini. I haven't worked out much since the girls were born, but I am stronger than I've ever been - carrying them around builds serious muscle! 

    I wouldn't worry about any of this all too much. Whatever happens to your body, you'll love it and be proud of it after all it has done for you. If you are determined to get back in shape, you will. 
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  • I am almost 10 months out and unfortunately am still struggling to lose weight. Granted I don't still look pregnant with twins but I don't look like I did before either. The twins were my second pregnancy, I gained 43 lbs plus gained back the 21 lbs I lost during my first trimester, so that's a total of 64 lbs though the doctor only counts the 43. Still, in 24 weeks I gained 64 lbs! I am definitely going to be left with twin skin and I have accepted that. I do want to lose some weight and hope to this summer while school is out.

    I do have stretch marks on my thighs, halfway down my upper leg! I didn't know they were there until after the pregnancy, I thought I had none. If I could get my body to a certain point I would wear a bikini but I don't know if its possible or I'm just fooling myself.

    Oh and I had a csection fwiw but I also had a csection with my daughter and got back into a bikini in 5 months. I was younger then but I'm still not at an age where weight should be a problem but my body has been through a lot in the last year and a half so I'm willing to give it time, effort and lots of patience!!!

    Eta: I had the boys at 38w1d.
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  • mirnbmirnb member

    *How long were you pregnant?

    38 weeks ( babies were 6lbs1oz and 6lbs11oz
    *Were the twins/trips your first pregnancy? yes 1st
    *How much weight did you gain during your pregnancy, and were you able to lose it? 50lbs.....lost 40lbs in the first few months...almost a year before the last 10 came off
    *Did you have to work at losing the weight, or did it just come off? Did not work at losing weight at all
    *Did having a c-section (if you had one) make returning to your old figure much more difficult? (hoping for vag delivery!) No c-sec
    *Did you have stretchmarks? Were they bad? When did they appear?

    yes they appeared in the last 2 weeks.....not horrible mostly around my belly button where skin was stretched so tight!
    *Twin skin? Did it ever go away? How long after birth?

    yes to the twin hasn't went away but not as noticible a year later
    *Will you ever wear a bikini again?

    probably not.....I'm sure some people with my body still would but not me! 

  • I had our twins at 36w3d. They were my first pregnancy and I had a c section. To be honest all my friends with the exception of one had a vaginal delivery and they were all nightmares. I loved having a c section. Recovery was easy and I just had a great overall experience. I gained 40 pounds and am now ten pounds less than pre pregnancy weight with no working out. Ha running the stairs to the babies is my workout. I got stretch marks the last two weeks of my pregnancy but they aren't horrible. Like parentheses around my belly button. Still haven't decided about bikini season but I'm thinking yes. What the hell I earned it!
    TTC #1 Since January 2011 Dx: PCOS and Anovulatory April 2012 BFP! Beta 1 5/22 - 1,000+ Beta 2 5/24 - 3,009 1st u/s 6/5 - TWINS!!! A/S Reveals we are Team PURPLE!!! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image image image  12/27 - surprise BFP - due August 2014
  • imageEnndea:
    Will you ever wear a bikini again?

    After 4 kids, this one just made me laugh, heh. And honestly it is just about the least of my worries!
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  • How long were you pregnant? 28w2d
    Were the twins/trips your first pregnancy? Trips First and last pregnancy ;
    How much weight did you gain during your pregnancy, and were you able to lose it?  45lb
    Did you have to work at losing the weight, or did it just come off? Right after, I lost most of it due to not having time to eat, however, once the first couple of weeks got into a routine hellish routine and I was still pumping than I starting jamming any type of food into my mouth and gained 10 lbs back, at the same time that I stopped pumping. I now still have 'the last 10 lbs' to go :
    Did having a csection if you had one make returning to your old figure much more difficult? hoping for vag delivery! Csec with which I didn't have any problems.
    Did you have stretchmarks? Were they bad? When did they appear? I haven't really noticed that many on my boobs but they have faded and a few on my lower back and muffin top side roll LOL but they too are not very noticeable.
    Twin skin? Did it ever go away? How long after birth? I am 9 months PP and I have some loose skin at the front of my belly. However, if I flex my abs it pulls in nicely. I am now getting back into running and I feel it's really been helping with the weight loss and feeling better about my body.
    Will you ever wear a bikini again? Hells yeah and it's my goal with my new exercise routine.
  • imageBandEddie:
    You may have some latebreaking stretch marks but they fade. I gained 50 lbs with the trips, and I've lost all but 9 without really doing anything unless you count getting no sleep and no food for 7 months. It's like the Courtney Love diet without the coke.nbsp;If I'm in regular clothes jeans albeit the bellybutton height ones and a tshirt with a tank top under tucked in I did this before I had kids, I hate not being "tucked in," nbsp;is that weird? you'd never know I have 7 1/2 month old trips. The twin skin? Yeah I'm not going to lie my belly looks like an elephant's cheek and probably will forever. That skin is all sort of "busted" but you're not carrying three, so there's hope! I could give a shiit about a bikini, but it's taken a little getting used to having DH touch my belly stupid I know :You know what the good thing is: Three healthy, happy LO's that this beat up, saggy, sore body ushered safely into this world. There is no price tag or bathing suit you can top that with! nbsp;

    OHMIGOD! I love you!!! That was frickin hilarious and perfect. Well done, I say.

    My twins are still cooking but the skin on my belly and boobs is completely ruined. These two will be number 3 and 4. Trust me when I say that at some point your worries are going to change and looking good in a bikini is not going to be one of them! For the longest time I planned on getting a boob job as soon as I was done having babies and breastfeeding. Now, I can't think of a good reason to do it. Would my new perky boobs keep my husband happy? Probably not. And if I'm honest I think the only reason I ever really considered it was just in case I ended up divorced, I could attract a new man. LOL Turns out I don't want to attract men that want me for my boobs!!! Haha!
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  • I gave birth (vaginally) at 36 weeks 6 days, and this was my second pregnancy. I gained 60 pounds (started at 145), and was really bummed that I was only down 22 pounds 2 weeks afterwards! I had diastasis recti (abdominal separation - you will probably have it too) and knee pain so I was in physical therapy for months before I could start really exercising again. I have been working my a$$ off to lose the weight and I only have about 10 pounds left to go. It has been really really hard but so worth it. I use to track calories and I am alternate days running/walking. 

    My advice is to get a prescription for pt at your postpartum checkup. I cannot believe how many MOM's I talk to who have never been checked for abdominal separation - virtually all of us who go to term will have it and most will require PT to regain core strength and functioning. Also, correcting the separation will take inches off your waistline without losing any weight!

    I hope that you are one of those who bounce back easily but just in case you aren't know that it's possible to get back to somewhat "normal" with diet, exercise and PT. As for a bikini I would definitely wear one but I am pretty forgiving of my body's flaws (which now include faded stretch marks and some loose skin) so my threshold is probably lower than yours :)



    TTC #2 since July 2010
    FSH = 11 (20 on day 10 of CCCT)/ AMH = .98 / AFC=12ish
    5 IUI's with oral meds = all BFN
    March 2012 IVF (MDL Protocol) Started stims 3/3; ER 3/11 (9R, 8M, 7F) ET 3/16 (5dt of 2 blasts graded 3AB and 3BA, 3 frosties(!!) Beta 3/26 = 386; Beta 3/28 = 827; u/s 4/11 says TWINS! Boy/Girl Twins delivered at 36 weeks 6 days

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  • imageBandEddie:

    You may have some late-breaking stretch marks but they fade. I gained 50 lbs with the trips, and I've lost all but 9 without really doing anything (unless you count getting no sleep and no food for 7 months. It's like the Courtney Love diet without the coke). 

    If I'm in regular clothes - jeans (albeit the belly-button height ones) and a t-shirt with a tank top under tucked in (I did this before I had kids, I hate not being "tucked in,"  is that weird?) - you'd never know I have 7 1/2 month old trips. The twin skin? Yeah I'm not going to lie - my belly looks like an elephant's @$$cheek and probably will forever. That skin is all sort of "busted" but you're not carrying three, so there's hope! I could give a shiit about a bikini, but it's taken a little getting used to having DH touch my belly - stupid I know :(

    You know what the good thing is: Three healthy, happy LO's that this beat up, saggy, sore body ushered safely into this world. There is no price tag or bathing suit you can top that with!  

    Haha this made me laugh and you have a great attitude!  OP I'm not going to answer because my babes were way premature so it's not any comparison.  I will say that BFing twins is the most awesome diet ever.  I gained 45 lbs and was back down to my starting weight in about 2-3 months.  I couldn't hardly eat enough to maintain my weight when I was nursing.  If I worked out more I'm sure I could get my body 100% back but I am lazy and tired after watching two crazy toddlers all day.

  • *How long were you pregnant? 37 weeks 3 days
    *Were the twins/trips your first pregnancy? Yes
    *How much weight did you gain during your pregnancy, and were you able to lose it? 40 lbs I lost an overall amount of 60 lbs I was EBF which I think is why I lost it and much more
    *Did you have to work at losing the weight, or did it just come off? Just came off
    *Did having a c-section (if you had one) make returning to your old figure much more difficult? (hoping for vag delivery!) Vaginal birth
    *Did you have stretchmarks? Were they bad? When did they appear? Yes I did get a lot of stretchmarks and yes they're bad- they started at 28 weeks
    *Twin skin? Did it ever go away? How long after birth? I have some twin skin, but I wouldn't consider it bad. It's a little looser and I don't think it'll ever go away...
    *Will you ever wear a bikini again? Nope

    With all that answered I have to say I was VERY contious of my body image while I was pregnant and thought I would of had a harder time "accepting" my body after my twin pregnancy, although I don't like the looks of my stomach I've come to accept it and be comfortable in my skin if that makes any sense I think one more reason is that my DH has never said anything in that regards and hasn't affected our intimacy one bit.  Some people are very fortunate I guess it depends on your genes, if you've made it so far without any stretchmarks I'd say you're doing very well :)

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  • C section at 37 weeks, 1 day, first pregnancy. I gaine almost 60 lbs. no stretch marks in the belly, but some on my boobs and then on my right butt cheek...these have continued to grow even after the babies. By 3 months pp I was at pre pg weight with no exercise, but we did EBF until 6 months and still going. But even though I am at the prepg weight my shape is nothing like it was before. My rib cage has gone down since pregnancy but is still much wider than before. Clothes fit differently, my waist is much wider, and my muscle tone is gone. I still have some squishiness in the tummy but I don't think it's twin skin. I may or may not wear a bikini...but I was never a big swim suit person before anyway!
  • EnndeaEnndea member
    Thank you everyone for the feedback!  I really appreciate it.  I swear I am not a totally vain and shallow person.  :)  I've been an athlete my whole life, so this has been a real transition for me.  Can I deal with a "different" body?  Absolutely--I just like to know what I am in for.  
    TTC #1 since 2/2011. Me: Age 36. Stage III Endo and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis.
    IUI #1 March: BFN, IUI #2 April: BFN.
    IVF #1: Started stims 7/30--CANCELLED.
    IVF #1.2: Stims start 10/8/12, ER: 10/20/12; 11R/8M/4F, 5DT: 10/25/12, transfer of a 4AA and 3AB Blast. BFP on HPT 10/31/12; Beta #1: (16 DPO) 954! Beta #2: (18 DPO) 1968! First U/S: TWINS!! A/S: TWO BOYS! EDD: 7/13/13
    PAIF/SAIF Always Welcome.
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  • *How long were you pregnant? 35 weeks, 4 days
    *Were the twins/trips your first pregnancy?

    *How much weight did you gain during your pregnancy, and were you able to lose it? I gained 50 lbs, lost 40 by my 6-week checkup and the rest followed pretty shortly thereafter. I do have a tiny pooch that I never had before, though, despite my weight being about the same.
    *Did you have to work at losing the weight, or did it just come off?
    It just came off...though I was BFing twins, which I'm sure had something to do with it....and I have a fast metabolism
    *Did having a c-section (if you had one) make returning to your old figure much more difficult? (hoping for vag delivery!)
    I had a C/S and I don't think it made a difference
    *Did you have stretchmarks? Were they bad? When did they appear?
    No stretchmarks
    *Twin skin? Did it ever go away? How long after birth?
    I have some crepe-y skin around my belly button but, honestly, it's not as bad as I thought it would be. It might go away if I ever have the time and motivation to work my abs....
    *Will you ever wear a bikini again?
    Ehhh maybe not this summer....or til the end of this summer....I'm actually more self-conscious about the lingering linea nigra (I'm 5 mo PP and it's still there!)

    Before I had my twins I was slightly nervous about how I'd feel in my "mom skin", but now that I'm here, not only do I care a lot less about that kind of thing, but I'm kinda proud of the changes that are there. Try to not let it get to you....and GL with the rest of your pregnancy and upcoming delivery! :)

  • *How long were you pregnant? 37w1d, was on bedrest for 10weeks.
    *Were the twins/trips your first pregnancy? Yes
    *How much weight did you gain during your pregnancy, and were you able to lose it? 69 lbs most of it in the last 10 weeks.
    *Did you have to work at losing the weight, or did it just come off? In the beginning I lost 40 right away. I haven't lost most of the rest..
    *Did having a c-section (if you had one) make returning to your old figure much more difficult? (hoping for vag delivery!) Nope.
    *Did you have stretchmarks? Were they bad? When did they appear? Yes. Still do but they have faded.
    *Twin skin? Did it ever go away? How long after birth? Nope, still there as bad as it was..
    *Will you ever wear a bikini again? No way.
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  • I'm a little behind you but in the same freaking boat. 

    I have horrible self image issues, and I pretty much always have.  


    I just want to hug you and cry.  

    Eat your food people. You are pregnant, not made of glass. ~PrimRoseMama
    The Benes Boys were born 9/3/13! woooo
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