

Hey all! My login was lost in a compy switch and I have NO IDEA what my pword was, but this is srmmm09.

 I'll put new siggy stuff in the following days. DH and I are still trying to figure out "should we stay or should we go" about our agency's Uganda program after they announced in April that the main orphanage they receive referrals from won't be processing int'l adoptions until the end of October (to instead focus on changing public opinion on Western adoption).

While what they're doing is good (making videos of children who've been adopted, to show that we aren't bringing them to the US as servants, or worse), we didn't decide to adopt so that we could sit on a waiting list when there are children we'd be happy to adopt waiting for families. Just our personal viewpoint. But, as we've paid a significant portion of our agency fees, we cannot move forward in any other direction and accept a referral anytime soon.

So, here we are. And there's an update on us! I'll try to be more regular now that we've settled into our "summer home" (We spend the summers doing a leadership training program with college students. It's in the Rocky Mountains. Life's so tough.)

 IF you've PM'ed me in the last, psh, 6 weeksish, chances are I haven't gotten it. Sorry! 

Re: Re-Intro

  • IRRIRR member
    OMG I was wondering where you were and what was going on.  Ugh on the Uganda stuff.  Sounds like you have a wonderful summer ahead.  Glad you are back.  Unfortunately no good news on my end.

    Failed Matches - December 2012, May 2013, December 2013
    Moved on to  gestational surrogacy with a family friend who is our angel and due 7/23/15

  • That's rough. I know how long it took you to settle on a country. Does your agency offer any other programs that you might be interested in transferring to, and could you do that without loosing too much money?


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  • They have a Ghana program that is very slow moving and only refers kids 4+. Of course a four year old would not be unadoptable by any means, but Ezra is still only 2, and I get nervous about disrupting birth order by that much, especially since E is pretty behind in his speaking. They have a Mexico program that's the same way.

    They do have a Hong Kong program that's SNs only, but right now it looks like the only kids available E's age or younger have Down's, and we're not prepared to handle that SN at this point in our lives. But we really should go ahead and fill out the 11-page form to see if there are any other kiddos available with needs we feel we can care for right now. It's just like our homestudy all over again, except the questions are slightly different, so we can't cut-and-paste. *eyeroll*

    I mean, I did have a dream last night that we found a $20,000 bill when we were digging in the ground (for a perfectly logical reason in the dream), so who knows? I wouldn't mind it being a sign that $20k will drop in our lap. I'd be okay with it! [ :) ]

  • imageIRR:
    OMG I was wondering where you were and what was going on.  Ugh on the Uganda stuff.  Sounds like you have a wonderful summer ahead.  Glad you are back.  Unfortunately no good news on my end.

    I saw that and was so distraught for you! My BFF's sister just went through their second failed match (this time the day after the LO was born) and just cannot imagine the pain. Here's hoping (earnestly) that you get a kiddo before I do. 

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