November 2011 Moms


Anyone still breastfeeding? If so when are you planning on weaning? I want to, but my son knows and is not interested. I read to eliminate one feeding and then wait another week to eliminate another. I also feel like people think I am weird for breastfeeding for so long.... But I don't really care....
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Re: Breastfeeding

  • I gave that up at 13 months, but just wanted to say congrats for going so long! We had problems and I used meds to help keep my supply up, so weaning was pretty easy for me. If DS had the option, he would LOVE to still be BFing right now. I just needed my body back to me, myself and I after all my struggles through pregnancy and 13 months of BFing. Wishing you the best!
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  • Thank you for the kind words and congrats to you as well! 13 months is quite the accomplishment!
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  • I am and I'm also pretty ready to be done. On one hand, I do love the closeness and he is sooooo cute the way he says "nuh nuh?" when he wants to nurse. We're down to morning and bedtime, so it's pretty easy but I have a 10-day trip coming up at the end of the summer and I don't want to deal with pumping, so I need to be done before then.

    Although, I'm getting to the point where I greatly enjoy responding to the really in-your-face "You're still breastfeeding?!?!" comments with "Yep, and I'm just doing it to piss you off." Obviously, that's not why I'm doing it, but it's the one thing that finally seems to permanently shut them up.

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  • Yep, we're still going strong.  I nurse in the morning and at night before bed.  She also has been asking for it a lot during the day when we're together.  I'm not sure if it's because she's bored or teething or what, but she doesn't seem to be interested in giving it up.  My first goal was to make it a year, then I thought I'd go to 18 months, and now that we're there, I'm not sure I'm ready to quit either.  She just has these teeth coming in and she was sick so it's been good for her.  I don't tell many people so no one thinks I'm weird except DH!  Keep going if you both are happy with it!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • Still going strong over here. DD still nurses like 8x/day (that's including MOTN feedings). DD still prefers the boob over solid foods. I really want her weaned before DH gets back from his deployment but I don't even know where to start. I've tried to gradually drop feedings and sometimes it work but then she'll be sick or teething and will want to be on the boob all day so it's back to square 1. 
    Munchkin born 11/22/11
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  • jb2rnjb2rn member
    Good for you! We weaned at 16 mos and I was ready, but there are days I still miss it! I think the longer you can do it, the better :)
    b/w=FSH 15.6, AMH 0.4 surprise natural BFP on 3/12/11
    DS born via unplanned C-section at 40w6d


  • Thank you all for your kind words and congrats to you all for breastfeeding as long as you have!
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  • Still BF'ing over here. He nurses 1-6 times per day, depending on a lot. I pretty much have no choice but to wean at the middle of the month because he will gone for 20 days. =[ I am super glad to have made it this long, and will be glad for my body to be mine again, but I am dreading it. I will miss it a lot, and still nurse him to nap, so that will be interesting.

    Congratulations to everyone who BFed or is still BFing!

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  • imagelilpenguingurl17:

    Still BF'ing over here. He nurses 1-6 times per day, depending on a lot. I pretty much have no choice but to wean at the middle of the month because he will gone for 20 days. =[ I am super glad to have made it this long, and will be glad for my body to be mine again, but I am dreading it. I will miss it a lot, and still nurse him to nap, so that will be interesting.

    Congratulations to everyone who BFed or is still BFing!

    I just couldn't deal with that! I wish you the best for weaning and the upcoming absence of your LO!

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  • Still nursing every night before bed (unless I'm not home) and before naps on the weekends.  I have no real plan on weaning yet

    ~Working Mom~Breastfeeding Mom~Cloth Diapering Mom~BLW Mom~

    Blog - No Longer on the DL ~ The Man Cave
    Shawn and Larissa
    LO #1 - Took 2 years and 2 IVFs ~ DX - severe MFI mild PCOS homozygous MTHFR (a1298c)
    LO #2 - TTC 7 months, surprise spontaneous BFP!
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  • I'm considering DD2 weaned as of yesterday, she hadn't asked for a few days then asked so I let her  but she just sat there like she couldn't remember what do to.... she had been sitting there half sucking half biting for a few weeks anyway.  Bitter sweet but I think the pregnancy hormones took over.  DD1 stopped asking the week of her 2nd B-day.   Good luck and don't listen to anyone else, do what you want to for you and your LO, BFing never affected anyone else.
    5/08- blighted ovum, spont ab; 2/20/09- epi, VAVD, Girl! breastfed 24mo; 10/10- blighted ovum, spon ab; 12/10- no fetal pole, Cytotec; 11/20/11- unmedicated SVD, Girl! breastfed 18mo; 11/7/13- unmedicated SVD, breastfed 18mo; 2/11/16- unmedicated SVD, exclusively pumping to at least a year.

  • hell let you know when hes done
  • My daughter still nurses in the morning, when I get home from work, before bed and MOTN feeding.  She has no interest in weaning yet.  Plus, its hard to say no when she comes over and asks for "mama milk."
  • I weaned DD at 12 months, but I'm in awe and amazed with you ladies for continuing this much longer. Awesome! I plan to do extended BFing with my next LO.

    LO had lost some interest around 10 months and I didn't push it too hard. It took me two months of eliminating one feeding at a time until she was gently and slowly weaned completely a little over 12 months. My big concern was moving too quickly-- i wanted to take her pace and make the transition easier for her.
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