Based on research and recommendations on this board, I'd pretty much decided on the Baby Jogger City Mini GT stroller. However, when I was in the store over the weekend, I pushed the Maclaren Twin Triumph and fell in love with the compact maneuverability. The problem is I'm not sure that it would work once the boys get bigger and it doesn't have the comfort and storage of the City Mini. Do I need 2 strollers? I hate to register for two big ticket items, especially with the City Mini costing so much. Does anyone have the Maclaren as an only stroller?
Re: 2nd Stroller?
I've heard the best thing is to do a double snap n go, until they are a good 5-6 months and can't fit in the carseats, and then buy a second stroller.
Does the McClaren recline all the way? if it doesn't then I wouldn't get it, until your twins will be toddlers.
Me: PCOS, DH: normal
Started seeing RE 11/10/2011
8/31/2012 = BFP!!
First Ultrasound... TRIPLETS! EDD 5/11/13
Baby w/ no HB @ 10w4d - We love you angel baby.
Baby A & B doing great. A/S 12/10/12 - Healthy BOYS!
Sawyer & Silas born at 33+6 on 3/29/13
TTC #1 since May 2010. BFP #1 - 5/31/10; m/c on 7/22/10
Started seeing RE in August 2011
5 IUIs: BFN; IVF #1 - Success! BFP - 7/25/12
We started with the DSNG and City Mini and then got the Jeep double umbrella stroller when we outgrew the DSNG. The City Mini is our stay at home, take a long walk, go to the park stroller and the umbrella stroller stays in the car for errands.
So yes I think it makes sense to have two. The only drawback of the McClaren (and my parents have an old hand me down version so this may have been fixed) is that it's heavy.