Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Outgrown Reflux?

My 10 week old has reflux and is on both Prevacid and Zantac and sleeps on a wedge (actually she has a crib wedge, tummy time wedge and a changing wedge, she is almost NEVER flat!) 

I'm just curious if people on this board have experience with reflux.  Hopefully there are some success stories for your LO outgrowing it ...

Re: Outgrown Reflux?

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    My LO had reflux but it has gotten so much better now that she is older! She was on Zantac and we stopped using it when she was around 3/4 months old and kept it on hand for bad days but we haven't used it in forever and she doesn't have a problem anymore :) GL
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    It slowly gets better. My DS had really bad reflux and finally got off Zantac around age 2, but he was totally fine by then. He was a terrible sleeper and we just didn't know whether he still needed the Zantac or not. He Is great nowsweet, smart, funny. DD2 Is on Zantac because after DS being SO hard I freaked out as soon as she showed any signs, but I think she is fine. We are weaning her off it now.
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    DD had all the symptoms but I never put her on meds.  It's completely gone now. 
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    My son had it really bad (the silent kind) for the first two months of his life. We tried prevacid, zantac, and nexium. Nothing worked until I started him on Probiotics. We found a good one for babies at a health food store and I started giving it to him once a day in his bottle. Within a week, the reflux was gone. I took him off all medicines and just did the probiotics, and we haven't looked back since!
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    LO was on Zantac ans would only sleep in his swing. He seemed better and made the transition to his crib so at 4 months we cut back. He's now off of it at 5 months and doing great! Good luck - reflux is awful!
    Married November 2009 ~ Sam is here! (12/26/12)

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    Thanks everyone!  I needed to hear some success stories :)

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    Dd definitely had reflux symptoms but not to the point that I felt the need to medicate. She seems much better now. Ds at this age was on zantac, then prevacid, and now at almost 2.5 yrs is still on prevacid. Each time we've attempted a trial off of it, we've seen a huge flair up. Your best bet is to wait until LO is sitting up more and try to go off if you can. If that doesn't work, then most are off of it by a year.
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    My DD's reflux hasn't improved yet. She is 5.5 months. My neighbor's on is 6.5 months and his reflux is really bad too. 


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    DD had moderate reflux that went away at 3 months when I cut dairy out of my diet (I am breastfeeding). She's been fine for two months and I can feed her in the side lie position now or lay her down right after eating, it's great.
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    LSU628LSU628 member
    With both DD and now DS, once they started solids it got way better. It also improves as they can sit up more and spend less time in a lying position. DS had reflux so badly the dr suggested it could be esophogitis. We've completely cut out the Axid (2xs per day) and Prevacid. DS occasionally still spits up, but I attribute most of that to him using his stomach muscles to try to sit up.
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