
What day is it?

What a week! Honestly the only way I knew what day it was all this week was to check my BCP pack!

Otherwise it was HECTIC. Yes I did quite a bit of nesting, but mostly while waiting on the phone to deal with bureaucrats who made me feel like I needed to lie down a little while to recover.

Where we live now has some nice family supports (child care subsidies, baby bonus, family tax benefit x 2, child care tax benefit) but the paperwork is horrendous.

Now, after a week of flagellating faceless bureaucrats DS has a healthcare card, citizenship, private health insurance and maybe, just maybe is in the system for a child care rebate.

Sometimes I don't know how taxes can be as low as they are when there are so many ninnies out there processing duplicate forms.?

Re: What day is it?

  • and you say you don't have a job...

  • I seriously didn't know what day it was today either. Yesterday I had the stomach flu and my BFF told me that I said it was thurs when it was only wed. Today I thought it was Wed. LOL
    Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
    Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
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