Mobile: Moms of chunkier babies
Did it take your child longer to roll over?
DS2 is kind of short but pretty chunky and thick. My little sumo wrestler. He hates tummy time and, so far has not figured out how to roll belly to back. I was just curious if this is something that might take him longer because he is so thick.
Also, how important is tummy time in the grand scheme of things? He has excellent head control and we already use the Bumbo, exersaucer, and face out in the carrier. He much prefers to be upright looking around. I try to put him on his tummy a couple of times a day at least but it is not really a priority. Should I be doing more to help him with rolling or just keep doing what I'm doing? FWIW, I don't think I did a lot of tummy time with DS1 either because he had reflux and would barf no matter how long I waited after a feeding.
Re: Moms of chunkier babies...
My LO is a little older than yours, and also shows no interest in rolling. My non-expert advice would be to just keep doing what you're doing and not stress too much.
ETA: spelling
Yeah. I'm not stressing over it but then thought that maybe I should be trying a little harder. Being my second I just kind of do what works with him over what I felt like I had to do with DS1.
I think people are way too religious about tummy time... but that's probably a UO
As long as he's gaining strength and muscle control, I say enjoy your immobile baby!
DS doesn't particularly like tummy time, but will tolerate it for a few minutes here and there, but he has great neck strength and muscle control, so I'm not too concerned. I'm sure he'll start rolling over soon, he seems to be right there...just not quite yet!
DS1 was around 16lbs at 3 months. He didn't roll or do a lot of the physical milestones that all the other LOs on my BMB were doing til later. I thought it was due to his chunkiness.
DS2 was the same weight at 3 months but he was/is doing all the physical milestones earlier than DS1. I think its cause he has someone to watch and learn from. And because hes trying to keep up with DS1. So, I'm not sure chunkiness actually has anything to do with it?
DS is on the chunky side and he rolled over a few times on Mothers Day and a few times after. But he doesnt seem to be interested, he would rather stand on his feet and look around. He also gets high centered on his belly and gets mad sometimes.
DS2 is very chunky too and just rolled for the first time yesterday at 6 months. Now I can't get him to stop rolling everywhere!
My 4 Angel Babies.....
MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009
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