anyone else's child complain about their stomach hurting constantly? DS complains almost daily that his stomach hurts but it doesn't seem to effect his energy levels. Sometimes he will sit down and say it hurts but after a few seconds will go back to whatever he was doing. We have been to the pedi three times and they think it's a constipation issue (but even after going to the bathroom which he does daily he still says it hurts). DS has been put on miralax, but his doctor thinks it will take 6 months before it clears which seems like a really long time to be on miralax to me. any others face this issue or have suggestions?
Re: constant stomach pain
DS~4 years old~born November 6, 2010 (1st year of preschool)
My Easy Cooking Blog
Lurker chiming in.
DS started complaining about his tummy hurting about a year ago. For a while, we thought it might be attention-seeking because of his new baby sister. After a few weeks (with increasing frequency of his complaint), I called the pedi for advice. She suggested giving him a regular Tums after breakfast and dinner, and not to mention or ask about his tummy (in case it was attention seeking). It seemed to help a lot! He loved taking his medicine and stopped complaining.
He suddenly started complaining again in December, despite the Tums. Pedi gave him a 2-week course of Zantac (for gastritis). That also seemed to help a lot. Now, he usually only takes Tums after dinner and rarely complains of his tummy hurting any other time.