So what does your DH or DW do that totally annoys you?
i have a few:
1. When DH opens a can of cashews or peanuts (or anything of that nature) he peels the foil half way and then LEAVES THE FOIL COVER ON. WHY?
2. DH will go to a store (fruit market, etc) and buy the most random things (that we don't need) and will not call and say "do you need something from the market". Today he came home with fresh mozzarella and kiwis. Why? An hour later I had to go to the same market because we were low on milk and juice.
3. He leaves crumbs in the butter. Ugh.
Other than that, he is pretty great, but the little things can drive you mad after a while.
Re: What annoying things does your DH/DW do?
He makes this throat clearing noise that makes me want to jump from the nearest bridge. And he watches stupid movies movies on the hhallmark channel.
DH and I annoy each other with the tp. He is the only one that brings new rolls into the bathroom, but he never puts them on the holder or throws away the empty tubes. I am the only one that puts the tp on the holder and throws the tubes away. We have one of those stands in the master that holds 6 rolls. Toilet paper is a team effort around here. lol
I know it's because he doesn't want to out away the clean dishes that are sitting in the dishwasher.
He also leaves his dirty clothes at the end of the bed. He undresses and crawls into bed and they never make it to the hamper.
Once I lashed out at him about it and he said "Look, for a straight guy this is about as good as it gets! I'm trying!"
ETA; when he opens a bag of chips or crackers, etc. he rips it open with his teeth. There's no need! Use your hands or scissors!
My 4 Angel Babies.....
MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009
Training to become an IBCLC. BF Questions? Just ask!
He will start talking about something we had a conversation about hours or days ago, as if we were JUST talking about it, and act annoyed when I'm confused. He'll go, "So I just told her there's no way it can happen in two days." in the middle of talking about something else. Who is her? What is it?!
He will start talking when it is impossible to hear him, like when I'm washing dishes in another room, or running the blow dryer. Then he will be cranky if I ask him to repeat himself.
He will start a long conversation right AFTER I tell him that I'm going to go somewhere else. I will be like, "I'm going to the restroom," and he will say, "Hey, do you remember that time when..."
His conversational habits seem to bother me a lot.
This seriously made me LOL!
Oops. Sorry. You're apparently married to me.
The biggest one is she doesn't put caps back on or screw things on tight. This can make things like toothpaste have that great crust on the outside. It can mean if you pick something up by the cap, it splatters. I've learned to adapt, and she's gotten better.
There's a bunch of other little stuff. Like planning an ambitious meal, then getting stressed out she "has" to cook on weeknights. I realize she wants to give DS good food, but yeah.
DH insists that we eat Mexican once a week, and I get so sick of it. And when he eats chips, he brushes the salt off of his hands over the chips in the basket. I think it's so rude and gross.
Use every since pot, pan and baking sheet and other cooking device possible to make dinner. And say that since he cooked I can do dishes. Thanks.
Putting garbage (like wrappers) in random places. Even if he's standing next to the can.
Making said dinner and there is only meat. Dude, what about the sides?
Yuck that is gross!
This may be a dumb question and I swear I'm not trying to be an @ss. Why would you leave lights on throughout the house if you're not using them?
Are we married to the same guy?
I'll add:
He always leaves his clothes on the chest at the foot of the bed.
He always has to call his mom, friends, brother, etc. right at the start of getting ds ready for bed. Really, it can't wait 15 minutes? A little help would be nice.
he always has to tell me when he's doing something around the house. Like he cleaned off his workbench in the garage and made a huge deal about it. That's nice, how about throwing in a load of laundry next time instead.
New here, but my husband has a few issues:
1) he is sitting at the other end of the couch right now and he is picking his nose...and eating it!! I catch him doing this at least once a month and it is soooo gross! And you want me to have sex with you later after that?
2) doesn't rinse his electric tooth brush off...ever...and leaves it standing n the counter, so there are white rings all over our dark countertop. Yuck.
3) he never wipes off the counter tops or empties the food scraps out of the sink drain,
4) pretty much announces to everyone when he has to go #2 in the bathroom.
5) uses like 1000 wipes to clean up a poopy diaper.
( man, he sounds awfully dirty when I write this out!)
Yep, this for me too. I am a one pot chef. DW will use 3 dishes when 1 would suffice.
i was just thinking I needed to update.
He never went back for more counseling, but he finally realizes that it wasn't me. We were talking one night and I became completely unglued and blew up at him. Very uncharacteristic of me. I'm usually very even keel. I got a lot of things off my chest and felt a lot better. A week later, we started having sex again . I never got an apology and I probably never will.
I just hope that its really over this time. I dealt with that for over a year and it was probably the worst year of my life.
DH will open a package of something - chips, pop tarts, cereal, etc and not close it properly, so the remaining food goes stale.
He will wrap up leftovers, but leave them on the counter top. Those really annoy me, because it's wasting food.
OMG that's gross. I catch my H having a good pick every now and then but not eating it....
My 4 Angel Babies.....
MC#1- 12/2008, MC#2- 05/2009, MC#3 07/2009, MC#4 11/2009
Training to become an IBCLC. BF Questions? Just ask!
He squeezes the tooth paste weird. He squeezes it like a toddler would, so we have separate tooth pastes.
He tries to "snuggle" in the middle of the night except his elbow, knee, or foot is the only thing touching me. Thanks but I'll let you know if I'm ever in the mood for a good elbow cuddle...
He puts empty cereal boxes away in the pantry. One morning I found 3. THREE empty boxes. Why?
1. I am pretty sure that he wonders what the big chest at the end of the bed is for. It couldn't be a laundry basket. All his clothes surround it or are on top of it. Never in it.
2. The man can't close a drawer or cupboard for the life of him.
3. This is my big one. He is tall. So if he sees a spider or moth on the ceiling he reaches up and squishes it, and leaves the little mashed carcass on the ceiling. It is gross and I have to get a step ladder to clean it off. When I complain he says that he is leaving it there as a message to other bugs to get out of our house. Um no, that is just nasty. Get a tissue and wipe it off!
1. He is a loud sneezer. It wouldn't be so bad if he at least would build up to it like... ahh ahhh ahhh CHOO. Nope, we will all be sitting in the family room nice and peaceful when I hear CHOOOOOO !!!!! out of nowhere. My heart will start pounding, the kids will start crying and dog will bark at him. He is just so freakin' loud and it comes out of nowhere. I swear to God he sounds like a velociraptor
2. He uses unlocked and open interchangeably. One day he called me at work and said I left the front door open. I knew there is no way I would have just left the door open, so I started to panic thinking we had been robbed or maybe even a burglar was still in our home. Well he really meant to say I left the front door unlocked. Yeah, not a smart move on my part and I shouldn't have done that, but come on, there is a difference between leaving the door unlocked and leaving the door open.
I think your husband may be a polygamast.
Say whaaaaat?
Well, I'm pregnant now, so pretty much everything he does annoys the drap outta me, but for non hormonal me, these get my goat every time:
1. Tries to help me, but always ends up being ME finishing the help. Like will start laundry, but not switch it over and not tell me, so it ends up smelling moldy, so I have to do the whole thing anyway.
2. Has to be told explicitly how to help me. When I ask you to vacuum, I mean under furniture and stuff.
3. Can literally leave a mess for weeks at a time- I've tried to wait him on and he just doesn't notice.
He cannot seem to close a cabinet door.
He cannot seem to put his dirty clothes in the hamper.
He uses 5 pots/pans to make a meal that could be done with 2 or less.
He has a real inability to put things back where he got them from, this includes items he's taken out of the refrigerator while cooking.
He is a very noisy eater... although I cannot pinpoint what makes him so noisy...
He likes to start a project or a chore right as we are trying to walk out the door.
He will walk off to go to the bathroom or do something in another room in the middle of me trying to tell him something.
He will drift off and have these long pauses in the middle of telling me something. I have to fight the urge to finish his thought for him.
I never finish the laundry, I don't rinse my dishes, my shoes are laying every where, I stack mail every where,...
DH sucks at making the bed, he never puts toilet paper on the roll, he misses the trash can when throwing away his contacts.
I think the worst is we can talk in circles for a long time when arguing. I've finally started saying we will just agree to disagree and walk away. He is the single most stubborn person I have EVER met!
He fills my coffee mug to the brim so I spill it on myself.
He insists on putting the cheese on the burgers while still on the grill. I prefer cool, uncooked cheese.
He listens to the tv way too loud.
I can't get the ticker to work, but I have two sons:
Baby RJ, born 1/25/2014
Formerly Twilightmv
I'm also bad with lids and it drives my H nuts. I think it's genetic. My grandma does it too.
My DH is exactly the same way. lol
We do this. Energy conservation, yo.
I do this and annoy myself. My kitty, however, believes all trash on the ground = toys. So, I guess it works until I stop being lazy and pick up after myself.
Little things mostly already mentioned in this thread- leaves cupboards and drawers open, takes off clothes and leaves them there, like socks in the living room etc...
I'm sure I do plenty to annoy him, too, though.
1. He stashes things. Everybody thinks he is the organized one in the relationship and that I am the disorganized slob, however he just shoves things in random places so they are not out in the open. I could not find my crystal candlestick holders because they were stashed in a drawer full of old tupperware he will not throw out in in the back of the basement. In doing so, he doesn't take care of the rest of the family's things. He will stuff, shove, or stack everything so it is out of his way...yet his tools are all meticulously cared for in labeled bins in the garage.
2. He takes care of himself. When getting ready, he is all ready to go ahead of schedule while I am dressing, feeding, and packing the children while also getting myself ready. Then innocently wonders why I am getting short tempered. When he "does laundry" he does his own. Nevermind the children's laundry or the family laundry. When he does the aforementioned stashing, his drawers contain his things, my drawers are a place to shove everything else.
2. He does not use context clues in conversations. When I am talking about two friends with the same first name (one married with kids, one single) he insists I use their last names because he doesn't know who I am talking about. I think if I am talking about the child of one of those friends (the only one with children) I don't think I should need to distinguish. Then he makes me feel stupid for not giving enough details and confusing him. Drives me batty!