Hi Ladies!
For my boy name I love Landry.
I know it looks like laundry but really that's the only downfall. I think I can deal. Do you think it's more if a boy name or a girl?
For my girl name I love Madeline.
Pronounced Line not Lyn
Thoughts? Feel free to be totally Honest
Thank You!
::mobile smiley::
Re: Opinions please
The only Landry I know is a girl, it is very feminine to me...I honestly don't like it for a girl, hate it for a boy.
Madeline is meh, been so used...I am over it.
I like Madeline fine (and we always pronounced it "line") :-)
I don't like Landry. It *really* looks like laundry. There are lots of great boys names. Maybe you can find one with a similar sound? What about Landon or Loren?
When you've been married this long, you need a ticker to remind you.
Baby Boy M - 08/01/2013
Expecting Baby Bean February 2017
Landry is NMS, but I do think that it's a boy name. And Madeline is adorable.
eta: I see that you're getting some boy name suggestions. I'll throw a few out there, too...
Jack, Cash, Harry, Roman, Nolan, Dexter, Jackson, Sebastian, Finn, Micah, Rufus, Tobias, Isaac, Archer, Elliot, Sawyer, Duncan, Felix, Silas, Beckett
Or something more classic (like Madeline)...
Henry, Nathaniel
Mr. & Mrs. - Est. 10.03.2009
TTC #1 since 06.2011 Me-24 DH-24
12.2011 SA = Normal
06.2012 First visit with OB/GYN
10.2012 Clomid 50mg + TI = BFN
11.2012 Clomid 50mg + TI = BFN
12.2012 Clomid 100mg + TI = BFN
01.2013 First visit with RE
02.2013 Clomid 150mg + TI = BFN
03.2013 Femara 5mg + TI = BFN
05.2013 Femara 5mg + TI = BFN
06.2013 Femara 7.5mg + TI = BFN
*Taking a break*
Thank you for spelling Madeline correct with how you want to pronounce it. So many people spell it -Line but say it Lyn. Anyways beautiful name.
Landry is definitely a boy name. I like it but I agree, super close to Laundry.
not a fan of landry. i do, however, think of it as a boy name...a very southern boy name, but a boy name none the less.
madeline is okay.
Love Madeline!
Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017
For girls I like more vintage, elegent names and for boys I like more unique