I'm having such a hard time picking am amber necklace for DD! I love them all. I know some of you ladies also use them. I know its silly but I can't pick if I want the light amber or he traditional color. Raw or polished. One color or several. Round or the regular. I feel nuts because I can't pick!
So what brand do you recommend? What color do you have and why? What color wold be pretty on DD? Basically pick for me so I can stop going back and forth and just buy one.
Here is a pic of DD, what color would you pick for her
Re: SILLY...help me pick an amber necklace
I heard the dark ones are more therapeutic and release more of the stuff that helps with teeth. This is the one we got for Cade:
...I know, that was entirely unhelpful.
Huh, your right. Well the more you know. I think I heard that on TB. Lol.
This is what I've always thought, too.
DD2 8.22.13
MMC 1.4.17 at 16w
Expecting #3, EDD 1.29.18
Thats what I'm so confused about ! I have heard different people say different things. My friend is training in a birthing center and they sell them and she is bringing me one Thursday. She is sending me pics tomorrow to pick from!
If you want your DD to look cute, pick whatever color/style you like. If you want the teething necklace to work the most effectively, pick a light colored, cloudy and unpolished/natural necklace. The Inspired By Finn (where I bought DS's necklace) website recommends that kind for optimal teething relief.
ETA: Oh, and make sure it's Baltic amber. Apparently other types of amber won't work. IIRC, non-Baltic amber doesn't have succinic acid.