So I'm admitted back into the hospital to stop labor but this time I will not be leaving pregnant says my MFM. I'm so scared I've been reading into it looking for what to expect and I would like to hear others story good and bad I'm so stressed out I really don't know what to do. I'm over thinking and I'm so sad. MFM says I can last maybe up to 3 weeks due to my situation I have a bulging water bag plus my cervixs is paper thin he says others in my situation last 1-3 weeks ill be 28 weeks tomorrow (they went with the smaller baby due date when she was small but she caught up) August 25th 2013 smaller with first ultrasound August 21st 2013 with bigger baby with first ultrasound boh measure 28 weeks plus now but due date is set as August 25th) and 3 weeks from now I will be 31 weeks so anyone in are who was in a similar situation can u please tell me what I should expect please I added picture at least try since last time people told me I was lying because the way I wrote my post. It's pictures of my cervixs shortinging my condition is real I would not fake it I'm looking for help because I really need it. I do not want to hear I'm faking it our what u think my cervix is and isn't when the proof is all you need please someone
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Re: Questions about preterm labor with twins
Very similar to PP -- one of my girls ruptured her sac at 28w5d, and I delivered at 29w3d. 81 days in the NICU for breathing/feeding. Long stay, but thankfully we didn't face some of the more difficult possibilities for babies born as early as ours.
Don't google like crazy -- you'll scare yourself to death (I did the same thing those 4 days I was stuck on hospital bed rest).