Hi ladies. I had insulin dependent GD while I was pregnant. DS is 10 weeks old today. Over the last few weeks, I have had 3 episodes where my blood sugar drops. The 1st 2 times I was home. This morning I was out, had both kids with me, and I had to sit on a bench outside the grocery store and wait about 15 minutes after having some juice and cookies to feel good enough to load them up and head home. Now I'm worried. What if I had passed out or something!
I have a follow-up appt with my endo next week, and I am repeating the GTT tomorrow. Has anyone else experienced this post-partum? I'm pretty sure I'm eating enough, and I'm trying to eat high protein food to help stabilize my sugars. Any other suggestions?
Re: moms who had GD
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I didn't have GD, but I am hypoglycemic and had to really watch my eating to not have crashes during pregnancy, especially later on. I did have a bad crash when LO was about 2 months old. Scared the bejesus out of me. I just went down and it all happened really fast. Normally, I can tell when it's coming. This time, I had no discernible warning. I think the demands of BFing and total lack of sleep did not help the situation. I was very careful with eating after and stopped having to be so careful a few months later.
I'm glad they're redoing your GTT. You should also ask that they run an A1C on you in that initial blood draw (assuming they do a full draw for the fasting sugars run). Having GD makes you much more likely to develop diabetes, so it's a good thing that you're getting checked out now.
GL. I hope you get good news.
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