
Sleep Woes...waking up early

This week my 2 year old has been waking up early and he is exhausted! It's only been 45 mins to an hour before usual wake-up but it is really taking a toll. He is a hot mess in the morning, at school and when we get home.

Last night he spent almost 2 hours melting down over dinner...he wanted to eat, then he didn't, then he did but didn't want what was for dinner. It went on and on. He asked to go to bed at 7:15 (45 mins early) so I put him in a diaper and PJs and laid down with him (he didn't want a story) and thought he was falling asleep but about 10 mins. after I left he came out in a great mood, asking for food and wolfed down the dinner he had refused.Then he went to bed with no fuss.

He was in a better mood this morning but he still woke up early and I can tell he didn't have enough sleep. I'm afraid of what is to come at 5:30. What can I do? What do you think is going on?


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Re: Sleep Woes...waking up early

  • EVA116EVA116 member
    DD started this a couple weeks ago and then I bought her black out curtains and she is back to her normal wake up time.

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  • I don't have a solution. I can commiserate. My DD gets up anytime from 4:30 to 7. The 4 or 5 ams are killer. She's tired..I'm tired. We tried messing with bedtime, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. She goes to bed at 7. Good luck!
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                               photo photosig3_zps92919c91.jpg Just said good bye Sept. 19th (MMC at 12 weeks)
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