January 2014 Moms

<!> PAIF Check In! <!>

Hi Ladies! So sorry this is so late- I moved and then my mom had surgery so it's been a bit hectic in my world. Next week we'll be back to Wednesday.

If you'd like to join the check in- Please just give me your EDD and I'll add you!


PrincessSillyPutty Jan 06
daisy19782011 Jan 06
Kathy4678 Jan 15
Kristinfm Jan 16
ena724 Jan 22


I took a shot at a badge- it probably needs to be resized, but let me know what you think!


photo cd87fbb6-cc95-4fe4-b739-c7defcee5da8.jpg

QOTW: Thought of any names yet? Are you sharing or keeping them quiet?

photo dune-1-1.jpg
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Re: <!> PAIF Check In! <!>

  • Hi! I havent posted in a few weeks. Ive been super busy at work and around the house. Anyways, I'd love to be added. My EDD is Jan 7th!

    QOTW: We have had our names, 4 of them to be exact, picked out for 5 yrs now! Since we are carry just one little monkey we will either be having a Lily Elizabeth or Paul Wilhelm. We've definitely have already shared :) 

  • spin25spin25 member

    Hi there, I'll join you! I don't have any IF info in my siggy (obviously) b/c the nest/bump doesn't want to cooperate and I got tired of trying to change it. This pregnancy is the result of our first IVF.

    I am due Jan 11.

    QOTW: We haven't talked about it a whole lot. Maybe we'll just wait until we find out the sex of our LOs and then put our heads together. I think we might keep it to ourselves once we decide.


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  • Hey Kathy! Can I just say again how awesome it is that we ended up on the same BMB. Cause it is! My due date is 1-25-14. And thanks for doing this check in.

    QOTW: We have thoughts on names but they are for sure yet. We are pretty set on the girl name and up in the air for the boy name.  But I'll be one of those that doesn't tell people in real life until late in the pregnancy or maybe even not until baby is here.

    Hope everyone is doing really really well! I'm in bed sucking on sour candy! It really does help with the nausea!  I went with Sour Beans made by Yum Earth. Highly recommend them if you feel sick already. They taste great and aren't terrible for you. A pouch of about 18 is only 69 calories and they are made with fruit juice. Found them at TJ Maxx. 


    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    Married October 2009. Me 29 H 28.
    After 1 year of infertility, our little miracle was conceived via our 3rd IUI on May 5, 2013.
    Holland Sophia was born Jan 24, 2014.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Hi ladies- I am due January 14th.  My last ultrasound with the RE is on Tuesday where I will be released to my OB.  I am still pretty nervous but everything so far is looking good.


    With our first (a son) we picked out a bunch of boy and girl names we liked so I think we will pick from that list.  Except my husband loves this one girls name which I HATE so I am hoping if it turns out to be a girl I can convince him otherwise :)  We will keep the name secret and between us (and probably this board:) ) until the baby is here!  

  • I would love to be added.  We suffered with SIF for almost 4 years and finally got this BFP with our 2nd IUI and inject cycle.  Our first u/s is Monday, but based on when the IUI was, our EDD id 1/26.

    QOTW:  I think we have kicked around a lot of names and are set on a girl (for now) but not sure about a boy.  For a girl we are leaning towards Harper Faith (MN a tribute to what we have been through) and for a boy the MN has to be Leslie (DH's name and a family tradition) but otherwise we are stuck on FN's. :)


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers


    5/07 - DD conceived naturally cycle #1

    8/09 - Started TTC #2
    11/10 - BFP!
    12/10 - MC (Chemical Pregnancy)
    2/11 - IUI #1 with clomid & trigger = BFN
    5/11- Switched to a Fertility Specialist, Dx with low progesterone and annovulatory, several rounds of
             clomid = BFN's
    4/12 - Exploratory Lap, Dx Stage III endo
    5/12 - 7/12 - Lupron injections to suppress AF and reduce scar tissue
    8/12 - Surgery to remove tissue, uterus and tubes clear!
    9/12-12/12 - More BFN's!
    1/13 - Referred to an RE
    2/13 - IUI #1 with injects and new RE = BFN
    3/13 - 4/13 - Break due to cysts
    5/13 - IUI #2 with injects (125ml bravelle + trigger) = BFP!!!
    EDD - 1/23/14


  • Good Morning

    After 3 + years of trying I finally got my BFP after 1 IUI EDD 1/22.  I also have a 4 year old DS (took 2 IUIs and 1 miscarriage that time.....feel very blessed)

    No names yet, DH and I agree on nothing!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Hi - can I join the group too? My EDD is Jan. 6th but since I am having twins my doctor told me to expect them in early to mid-December. My last ultrasound with my RE is Monday morning and then I graduate to my OB.

    As for names, I have been obsessed with baby names since I was a kid. I just love names and always put a lot of thought into naming my dolls and later pets. Last time I was pregnant, I found myself spending hours stressing over finding the perfect name for my little one. However, after the miscarriage and subsequent infertility from PCOS, I realized that names weren't the end all be all part of having a baby that I always thought it was. I just want healthy and happy take home babies.

    However, I would be lying if I said I wasn't currently kicking around a few in my head. DH still thinks it is too early to discuss them yet but if are fortunate to make it far enough in this pregnancy to find out the sexes, then I am sure the real fun will begin.



    BFP #1 on 12/15/11 but missed m/c with d&c on 2/1/12.
    BFP #2 on 5/1/13 = boy/girl TWINS with EDD of 1/3/14 but expected no later than 12/20/13.
  • Hi, 

    I would love to be added, EDD updated to Jan 11.  

    6 years TTC, surgery on Fallopian tube & uterus, 2 rounds of IUI, IVF and a shitload of shots, BFP!!! 

    Thank you!! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker

  • Cute badge:)

    We have started discussing names, but I have a feeling that this is not going to be an easy task. DH thinks its funny to suggest crazy names, but it really just annoys the crap out of me at this point!  I know we will get there eventually..... 

    Me(32) + DH(32) TTC #1 since Dec 2011
    RE consult Dec 2012, diagnosed with lean PCOS (didn't see that coming!)  medicated cycles 1 - 4 = BFN
    cycle 5 - metformin, femara 7.5mg, IUI #1, progesterone = BFP!!!
    beta #1 (13dpiui) 37, beta #2 (15dpiui) 104, u/s at 6w5d hb of 115
  • Adorable badge! Thank you for doing this. 


    We have a boy name picked out .....we have been talking about names since we started TTC. As for the girl names..we just can't seem to settle on one...Right now we like Reagan, Charlotte,  Lorelei, and Colette.

    We shared with just immediate family...but they couldn't keep it quiet and other's have guessed so we are silently outed. More people know than we planned but no one is saying anything until we officially announce. My IL's have been out of the country for over a month so we finally get to tell them tomorrow and I am so excited. Especially now since we have heard the heartbeat.

    Hoping to graduate from our RE next week. We are then moving straight over to the Perinatologist and OB. Hope everyone is feeling good/ or at least getting though the day.  

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