Here is my current list for girls. Please give me the good, the bad, the ugly about them and make lots of suggestions. I am really struggling with girls this time. Nothing feels like "the one".
Mary Elise
Elisabeth (yes, with the "s")
Annika (On-ni-ka)
Celina - If you were going to nn Celina, what would you use?
Middle name will probably be Josephine/Jo or Jessie, both of which are family names.
Re: Brutally Honest Opinions and Suggestions Wanted
What a great list!
Mary Elise- LOVE
Elisabeth (yes, with the "s")-- LOVE
Maren- Like it a lot, but I wonder if you have pron issues
Marah- See Maren
Josephine- LOVE, of course
Annika (On-ni-ka)- this is the only one I am not crazy about. It's not pretty to me.
Celina - If you were going to nn Celina, what would you use? Like a lot--I would probably use Cece
Meredith- Like a lot!
Middle name will probably be Josephine/Jo or Jessie, both of which are family names.
BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12
Agree, this is a great list!
I really like Elisabeth, Maren and Josephine. Maren Josephine is probably my favorite combo of what you have.
Suggestions: Nora, Marcheline, Rosalie, Eloise
Mary Elise (Not a fan of double FNs!), Marah, Celina, and Meredith are NMS.
I love the names Elizabeth (this spelling!), Marin (this spelling!), Josephine, and Annika (AHN-nee-kah).
Love Josephine as MN!
FN Suggestions: Amelia, Anna, Audrey, Eleanor, Hazel, Lila, Rose, Violet, Eliza, Abigail, Ada, Cecily, Cora, Edith, Mae, Louisa, Ruth, Ruby
Favorite combos: Rose Josephine, Mae Josephine, Ruth Josephine
Mr. & Mrs. - Est. 10.03.2009
TTC #1 since 06.2011 Me-24 DH-24
12.2011 SA = Normal
06.2012 First visit with OB/GYN
10.2012 Clomid 50mg + TI = BFN
11.2012 Clomid 50mg + TI = BFN
12.2012 Clomid 100mg + TI = BFN
01.2013 First visit with RE
02.2013 Clomid 150mg + TI = BFN
03.2013 Femara 5mg + TI = BFN
05.2013 Femara 5mg + TI = BFN
06.2013 Femara 7.5mg + TI = BFN
*Taking a break*
Trying to get knocked up since June 2012 ~ Dx: PCOS
BFP 7.24.13 ~ EDD 4.2.14 ~ m/c 9.16.13 @ 11w4d
BFP 5.4.14 ~ EDD 1.12.15 ~ stick little bean!
TTGP 2013 Best Blog ~ Fruit ~ My BFP Chart
Mary Elise - Don't love double names, but like both of them independently
Elisabeth - like it
Maren - love it
Marah - medium on this; prefer the spelling Mara
Josephine - lovely, just nms
Annika - don't like, also think everyone will pronounce w/ a hard a sound (ANN-ika)
Celina - don't like this, but would nn Lena
Meredith - love it, was on my short list this time
I really like your are my opinions.
Mary Elise-I'm just not a fan of two names...but it's very classic
Elisabeth (yes, with the "s")-nice but Elizabeth is super popular lately (at least I think it is)
Maren-love this!
Marah-I'm honestly not sure how to pronounce this...I'd probably like it if I figured it out.
Josephine-I really like this name, sounds very family-ish and I love the NN Josie!
Annika (On-ni-ka)-not a big fan
Celina - If you were going to nn Celina, what would you use?-this one doesn't float my boat either
Meredith-I actually thought of this for my list...DH knocked it off.
My pick...Josephine or Maren
Henry Cavill...You're welcome!
BFP #3: EDD 1/10/13 **DS born 12/30/12!!!**
BFP #2: MC 7/2/11 @ 12 weeks
**Missing our February '12 LoveBug**
BFP #1: MMC discovered on 12/6/10
Vote on Baby Andrew Names
I Don't Blog, I Keek
Elisabeth (yes, with the "s") - Like
Maren -dislike
Marah - dislike
Josephine - Love
Annika (On-ni-ka) - dislike
Celina - If you were going to nn Celina, what would you use? - dislike
Meredith - like
love Elisabeth, Josephine, and Meredith
like mary elise and Annika
do no like maren and marah
Well, not to be too full of myself, but Meredith really is the best name in the world. *dusts off shoulders*
You have a great list, though.
Elisabeth (yes, with the "s") - love it, although the s is much less common
Maren - love it!
Marah - haven't seen it with the H, prefer the spelling Mara
Josephine - NMS
Annika (On-ni-ka) - nice, not for me
Celina - If you were going to nn Celina, what would you use? - NMS, but I like Lina/Lena best as a nn.
Mary Elise--This seems like a nice classic name
Elisabeth (yes, with the "s")--I've known a few Elisabeths, and as long as you're prepared for constant misspellings, it's fine
Maren --not my style at all
Marah--like the Hebrew word for "bitter"?
Annika (On-ni-ka)--nice but might be mispronounced
Celina - If you were going to nn Celina, what would you use?--meh. NN could be Celie or Lina, both of which I think are pretty
FTR, I think Celina Jo is pretty