Cloth Diapering

Another Swim Diaper Question

Sorry if these are stupid questions, but I'm having an issue wrapping my head around swim diapers.  

I have a few (3) delaminated pocket diapers that I plan to use as swim diapers.  In fact, we used one this afternoon while we played in the baby pool for about 20 mins and it was fine.  My question has more to do with extended wear.  We're going to the beach, and I'm wondering what I'm supposed to do with the baby.  It doesn't seem like a big deal to let him sit around in a insertless, leaky pocket when we're in and out of a pool for an hour max, but when we're at the beach for a few hours at a time, what am I supposed to do?  If the diaper doesn't hold pee and we're sitting on the beach, what?, does he just pee all over me or the towel or wherever he's sitting over and over again until we go back into the house?  

also, am I supposed to put the diaper through a regular wash cycle every time he wears it?  for today i just threw it in the wetbag bc I know I'll be washing tomorrow anyway, but when we're at the beach and using them constantly is it ok to rinse it out well in the sink, let it dry, and put it back on?  it's not really absorbing anything, so as long as there's no poop is that ok or is that just gross? 


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