May 2012 Moms

Table food?

I don't usually post very often or on this board, I am usually on the multiples board, but I am just wondering if anyone else is having a terrible time introducing table food?

Our girls turned one on May 19th. One will eat anything, the other is adamantly refusing anything that's not yogurt, puffs or baby food. Our pediatrician told us to give them their table food, set a timer for 40 minutes and if they eat it, great, if not, it goes away. I hate, hate, hate playing the game of giving her something she likes to eat if she refuses to try what I offer, because I don't want to start that bad habit, but I'm scared she won't get enough to eat otherwise.

Anyone else? Any suggestions? These are our first children, so I am in unchartered waters! And, I am close to ripping my hair out...


Re: Table food?

  • ava is the same way. I dont know what you feed them but with ava she seems to love cheese and yogurt applesauce, fruits, veggies. shes not much of a meat eater. she loves grilled cheese of course. for right now I give her a variety of foods she likes. sometimes its a stick of string cheese broken up and watermelon and green beans. I dont really have any suggestions other then I feel your pain
  • fryratfryrat member

    We have had the not wanting to eat days. I have found that as soon as I pick up the food and go to walk away, she starts crying. I wait a second before turning around and setting her food down and trying again. I try 3 times before I go and put it in the fridge for good. I also will take note of what she's been in the mood for. For example, sometimes she wants her waffle in big strips, sometimes little bite size pieces.

    I am the take it or leave it crowd, I guess, lol.

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  • Are you feeding them when you and dh sit down to eat?? If not try that. My kids have always sat at the diner table with us from basically day one so they were super interested in eating. It can take up to four times offering something before a kid will eat it so make sure to offer a large selection all the time and keep trying. Lucas eats everything we do, but we did blw with him so he's been on table food for six months now.

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  • Thanks, ladies. I'll definitely try some of these suggestions!

    I am at the table with them when they're eating, but I'm not always eating, too. DH doesn't get home from work until 7 some nights, so it makes it trickier to combine dinners because I don't want the girls to have to wait that long.

    I thought bottles going away was going to be great until it actually happened and the refusing food issue popped up.....

    Thanks again!
  • imageBuckeyeNut05:
    Thanks, ladies. I'll definitely try some of these suggestions!

    I am at the table with them when they're eating, but I'm not always eating, too. DH doesn't get home from work until 7 some nights, so it makes it trickier to combine dinners because I don't want the girls to have to wait that long.

    I thought bottles going away was going to be great until it actually happened and the refusing food issue popped up.....

    Thanks again!

    Yeah my dh works until 7 so I eat with the kids and dh eats in front of the tv, it's important for kids to eat with their parents.
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  • An update! I had some major success by combining sitting down at the table with them and munching. I also offered more of a variety than I had been trying. They had rice, green beans, diced peaches, gerber corn puffs and a banana cookie and water. They didn't really touch the rice or beans, but they ATE, and without throwing temper tantrums! Yeah!!!!!!!
  • imageBuckeyeNut05:
    An update! I had some major success by combining sitting down at the table with them and munching. I also offered more of a variety than I had been trying. They had rice, green beans, diced peaches, gerber corn puffs and a banana cookie and water. They didn't really touch the rice or beans, but they ATE, and without throwing temper tantrums! Yeah!!!!!!!

    Very good!!! Try cheese my kids always love that, or taco meat is a hit too. Oh yeah and smash potatoes were big in the beginning.
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