Pregnant after 35

1st us soon but the wait is brutal!

My first us is next week and I am driving myself crazy with anticipation. We had a mc a few months back so I am super nervous. I am hoping and praying we see a heartbeat/heartbeats. Wine was my go-to but not anymore. If my OB tells me to try and remain stress free I'm going to scream..and then break down and eat a whole chocolate bar!! LOL How do you ladies stay calm and stress free in a high risk pregnancy??

Re: 1st us soon but the wait is brutal!

  • GuennieGuennie member
    I have had several losses now and there was a part of me that was terrified in the beginning with this bfp, but somehow something in me kept saying this was the one and I found that once I let myself truly believe that, a great sense of calm came over me. I'm not saying I don't have my momentary worries, but I think I realized that my body needed me to relax and just let everything happen. I totally let go of the stress and anxiety and focused on positive thoughts. Find distractions as much as you can. The stress and worry is not good for your body. I'm sorry for your loss. Hope you have a great ultrasound to put your mind at ease! Hugs!
    Me:41, DH:41 Positive for MTHFR mutations- one copy C677T, one copy A1298C. One daughter born on Thanksgiving in 2013. Six losses.
  • Me too, I hate the wait. My is Thursday June 6. I had some spotting, so I am dying. 

    Best of luck  

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  • I also had to find my happy calm place....When I started bleeding this last time I thought it was over, my husband and I had decided not to try again if we lost this one.  However a good friend told me that I needed to chill out and just wait it out.  So I did and I have had the chance to hear the heartbeat and enjoy the last several weeks just being pregnant....even if that meant no sleep and nightmares..ugh!

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  • Rorr2Rorr2 member

    It's so difficult to enjoy the early stages of pregnancy when you have experienced loss before. Like pp said, find a good place in your head. Someone gave me the advice of saying everyday "Today I am pregnant" and it did help me a bit.

    I can't say that even now I don't have some anxious moments, but I was determined to enjoy my pregnacy since we worked so hard for it!

    Me-39, DH 36 Married May 2010 TTC since June 2010 Un-monitored clomid cycles 1/11-3/11 Began seeing RE March 2011 4/11-6/11 Femera +IUI =BFN 7/11-8/11 Femera +trigger shot +IUI =BFN Laparoscopy/Hysteroscopy on 9/8/11 Surprise natural BFP! on 9/30/2011 M/C at 8 weeks D&C on 11/3/11 2nd M/C on 12/25- natural Feb-June Follistim + IUI= BFN IVF #1- Start Stimms- 8/3 ER- 8/18 5R 4M 3F ET- All 3 on 8/21 =BFN IVF #2- Start Stimms- 11/5 ER- 11/19 9R 8M 8F ET- 11/22 3 8 cell embies. BFP HPT! 12/4 Beta #1- 12/6 976! Ultrasound on 12/21- Twins! BabyFruit Ticker Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Good Luck!! I hope it's great news. Mine is on June 5th. Hoping for all good things..
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