Attachment Parenting

Hiking carriers

DH and I want to go hiking this summer.  We don't do crazy backpacking or anything, but might go as far as 5-10 miles on mountain trails.  Would an Ergo or something similar be suitable for this or should I look into more structured, hiking-specific carriers?  DH will probably be carrying DS (who is one year old) most of the time and he is a big guy so I'm not really worried about the weight of the actual carrier itself,  but would like it to fit DH comfortably.  I'm also concerned about DS being comfortable in it for long stretches at a time.  Any advice or is there a good comprehensive review website I should look at? TIA!

Re: Hiking carriers

  • cpmichcpmich member
    We do a lot of hiking. The frame packs are nice for multiple day overnight hikes but too bulky really for a short day hike. I recommend a soft structured carrier worn by one parent with the other parent carrying a small pack with all of the things you will needfor the hike... Water, lunch, snacks, diapers, wipes, ziploc bags, change of clothes, layers, etc. It sounds like a lot but really isn't much weight.

    I own the Ergo Performance, a Kinderpack, and Tula. I strongly recommend the Tula. It is the most comfortable and is really easy to adjust for both parents to share. I had a Kelty and gave it away because I was not a fan.

    I have yet to find a website that does decent backpacking carrier reviews. They all seem to focus on only frame carriers and the Ergo Performance or Sport. For general carriers information you really can't beat forums. You have to register to use it but it is a great forum with knowledgeable and supportive users.
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  • fryratfryrat member
    I like the Action Baby Carrier. It's a soft structured carrier like the others PP posted. The most important when hiking, for me, is the lumbar support, and the straps not digging in.
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  • Great. Thanks for the suggestions.  I will definitely look into a soft structured carrier!
  • Another reason to consider a hiking carrier would be if you will go without someone to carry the pack. We tried a day hike with two people and two babies in SSCs and it was a pain to deal with the water, snacks etc since everyone had a baby on their back :
  • ncbellencbelle member
    I'd go with a buckle carrier - kiddo sits closer to your center of gravity which I personally find easier for hiking.  And many of the frame packs don't provide knee to knee support for kiddo's comfort.

    I would skip the ergo as the body is going to be getting small on a toddler.  Look at the Kinderpack or Tula (standard size) or the Action Baby Toddler (which is a bit less structured than the other two).
  • cpmichcpmich member
    For sizing, pay close attention to the website details for the specific carrier. An average one year old would probably be fine in a standard size Kinderpack or Tula. My big kid needed the Toddler size in both.

    Also, consider the wearers size. Standard straps on a Tula fit both plus size tall men and petite women. Kinderpack has options for plus cinch tostandard or standard which cinches to petite.
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  • DH and I have done some short hikes and I've put DD in our Boba.  So far it has worked well.
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  • My DH really loves the backpack carrier, he has the Osprey pogo plus.  It is a structured carrier and we can set her down in it (very handy).  It also has a big compartment underneath where we can throw in a diaper and wipes, some snacks and a couple toys.  The one we have also has a sun shade and is fairly lightweight.  I don't use it b/c it's too bulky for me but DH uses it a lot.  He actually puts her in it to go to the grocery store or target.  I personally wouldn't want to go hiking with her in my boba, but that's just me.  Good luck finding something that fits your needs!
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