DH and I want to go hiking this summer. We don't do crazy backpacking or anything, but might go as far as 5-10 miles on mountain trails. Would an Ergo or something similar be suitable for this or should I look into more structured, hiking-specific carriers? DH will probably be carrying DS (who is one year old) most of the time and he is a big guy so I'm not really worried about the weight of the actual carrier itself, but would like it to fit DH comfortably. I'm also concerned about DS being comfortable in it for long stretches at a time. Any advice or is there a good comprehensive review website I should look at? TIA!
Re: Hiking carriers
I own the Ergo Performance, a Kinderpack, and Tula. I strongly recommend the Tula. It is the most comfortable and is really easy to adjust for both parents to share. I had a Kelty and gave it away because I was not a fan.
I have yet to find a website that does decent backpacking carrier reviews. They all seem to focus on only frame carriers and the Ergo Performance or Sport. For general carriers information you really can't beat thebabywearer.com forums. You have to register to use it but it is a great forum with knowledgeable and supportive users.
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Also, consider the wearers size. Standard straps on a Tula fit both plus size tall men and petite women. Kinderpack has options for plus cinch tostandard or standard which cinches to petite.