My niece (3.5) wakes up on the weekends at like 10 or 11! I don't think she still naps during the day, but I'm not sure. Also not sure when she goes to bed, but I do know she's very easy when it comes to going to bed/STTN and has been since almost birth.
Is this crazy?? I mean, I don't think there's anything physically wrong with her, but it seems so abnormal. I'm totally jealous of SIL, though.
Re: S/O late risers
He also would just get his sippy then climbed into my bed when he did wake and watch tv until I was ready to get up. I really miss that.
My niece is definitely a dream about going to bed. She probably does stay up pretty late on the weekends, but I'm not positive.
She's the same about going to bed, except grabs her paci. But then right to sleep and sleeps all night and it's always been that way. Plus the late rising. SO jealous.
It's not crazy but it does make your SIL really lucky! My DS is exactly like this every day and he has been since about 6 weeks old. I count my lucky stars and know full well that I probably won't get so lucky with the next one. Mine goes to bed around 8 or 9 and gets up around 9 or 10. He then usually plays in his room quietly and lets us know he's aft to go for the day around 11. He takes a nap around 3 PM.
ETA: didn't mean to quote the OP. That shizz drives me nuts.