
Migraine sufferers ...

I have chronic headaches, and frequent migraines. Last night, one started coming on just as I was going to pick DDs up from DC. I had to take a zofran just to keep from puking in the car with them. DH works 2-10 pm and so it was just me. It was a misery last night.

My question to other sufferers: What do you do when you have a migraine and no help? Any good tips? I wore my sunglasses in the house and just sort of let the girls do whatever they wanted as long as they weren't screeching. I was still in agony.

I have Topomax, but haven't started taking it because the dr said it would probably affect my appetite, which is poor to begin with. Also, I can't swallow pills and it states that I have to take it whole and can't chew it. I am fully aware I am a child.


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Re: Migraine sufferers ...

  • suv75suv75 member
    I take excedrin for migraine and try to find a dark room or space to rest. Also vicks vapo rub rubbed on the spot where the migraine is helps also.
  • The best I can do is to take my meds as soon as I feel it start in hopes of catching it early enough to knock out the pain entirely.  After that all I can do is pray it doesn't get too bad because I'll need to lie down with a higher dose of meds to even touch it.

    2 years, 2 surgeries, 2 clomid fails, 2 IUIs, 1 loss, IVF #1 - 10/25/10 = BFP!, DS is now 3.5yrs!
    TTC #2 - 6/12 surgery #3, FET #1 & 1.2 = BFN, 12/2012 FET #2 = BFP! DD is 1.5 yrs!
    Surprise! 12/16/14 BFP, loss #2 12/31/14

    I can't wait for the "im getting a divorce" post in 5 years or so because your husbands were fed up with your disgusting chair asses from playing on the knot all day and getting fired 4-5 times for not doing any work. you guys are all winners!! ~ Laur929

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  • So basically do what I did last night?

    Friday night, I took Tylenol at 4 pm, then Aspirin at 6, and then by 7 I was crying so much, I took one of the Roxicets I had left over from DD2's birth. I have heard they have medical botox for migraine sufferers, but I never really thought I was one until I started looking at all the time I spend suffering. I may have to look into it. I can't do the past weekend and last night over and over again.

    Thanks. Hope you guys find some relief too.

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  • imagefredalina:
    2 Advil, 2 Tylenol, and a Coke. It usually works as well as Imitrex did without the drowsiness. Luckily mine are usually not as bad as puking.

    You can take that all at the same time? Can I drink mountain dew? I assume it has the same amount of caffeine.

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  • Do you get an aura before your migrane comes on?  I get blurry vision about a half hour to an hour before I have a full fledged migraine, so at that time I take 1000 mg of acetaminophin and have either a coke or a cup of coffee with it. 

    That combo helps shorten both the duration and severity of the migraine for me.


    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • imageHelenahhandbasket:

    Do you get an aura before your migrane comes on?  I get blurry vision about a half hour to an hour before I have a full fledged migraine, so at that time I take 1000 mg of acetaminophin and have either a coke or a cup of coffee with it. 

    That combo helps shorten both the duration and severity of the migraine for me.

    Yes, I was also seeing spots yesterday. I took two 500 mg aceta. and 4 mg of zofran. I also took, after I got home, 1 mg of lorazepam, because I could feel myself getting anxiety over being home with the girls and the possibility of being incapacitated by the migraine, which is what normally happens.

    Amazing what women are capable of when we need to be. DH can't function if he has a man cold, and I have to deal with the girls. But women have to deal with everything.

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  • I am supposed to take maxalt, zofran and morphine. If I take those while I get the aura and before the pain hits, I sometimes get lucky and can function somewhat. If I am not quick enough or don't get lucky, I have to call a sitter or a family member until DH gets home I have passed out from the pain in the past and so it's just not safe if I am alone with the kids. If nobody is available, all I can do is put them in a safe place, like the playroom, get snacks and bottles ready and lay on the ground in there and hope someone comes quickly before the kids get bored. That has only happened once so far though.
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  • Have you ever been on a daily preventative Rx? For years I was on a low dose of Elavil daily and it worked pretty well. Maxalt and Imitrex never worked for me, only made me sleepy. I took Toradol to help control them a bit.




  • imageacaudill75:

    Do you get an aura before your migrane comes on?  I get blurry vision about a half hour to an hour before I have a full fledged migraine, so at that time I take 1000 mg of acetaminophin and have either a coke or a cup of coffee with it. 

    That combo helps shorten both the duration and severity of the migraine for me.

    Yes, I was also seeing spots yesterday. I took two 500 mg aceta. and 4 mg of zofran. I also took, after I got home, 1 mg of lorazepam, because I could feel myself getting anxiety over being home with the girls and the possibility of being incapacitated by the migraine, which is what normally happens.

    Amazing what women are capable of when we need to be. DH can't function if he has a man cold, and I have to deal with the girls. But women have to deal with everything.

    That's a big fear of mine too!

    Sorry you have to deal with migraines-- they are really terrible. I hope you feel better today.


    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

    Lilypie - (TUWi)


  • imagefredalina:

    2 Advil, 2 Tylenol, and a Coke. It usually works as well as Imitrex did without the drowsiness. Luckily mine are usually not as bad as puking.

    You can take that all at the same time? Can I drink mountain dew? I assume it has the same amount of caffeine.

    Yes and Yes. Actually Mt Dew probably has more caffeine. Advil, or aspirin, will thin your blood so don't exceed 2 without a dr's ok, but Tylenol which is acetaminophen will not. They are safe to take together. I have also done one aspirin, one Advil, two Tylenol, and a coke, but I think the Advil is better. Head On is good if you can feel it coming on. Or just old fashioned Ben Gay. But be sure you get The kind with JUST menthol and not the kind with methyl salicylate, which is the "hot" in icy hot. Icy good, hot BAD.

    Head On, as in that commercial where all the said was Head On? That's funny. I will try that, or the ben gay. Actually, I have an aromatherapy mister and eucalyptus oil. I wonder if sitting near that would help as well. I use it for sinus problems.

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  • imageItsAllGravy7:

    After I had Charlie I was getting migraines 2-3 times a week. Now that my hormone levels have evened out I am down to about one a month. If I have the boys when I start to get one I try to do movie time. I dim the room, make them some popcorn and juice (which I only give them during movie time that way it's something exciting for them and helps settle them down) and just pray that they're satisfied and happy with that because it's about all they're going to get if I can barely open my eyes without puking. I have a few trial prescriptions that my doctor gave me (they're at home but I'll PM you or page you when I get home and tell you what they all are and how they've worked for me so far). Also tylenol rapid release extra strength and motrin or excedrine if you don't have a prescription. I have heard that vicks vapo rub on your temples can help also but haven't tried it.

    Sorry you're dealing with this :-( headaches are such a biotch. 

    I have to chew all my pills because I gag even thinking about swallowing them whole. Rapid release is a given :)

    I'll definitely take any Rx suggestions. I said before I have Topomax, but haven't taken it yet for fear that it will kill my appetite altogether. Plus, I can't chew it and haven't gotten then nerve up to try choking it down.

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  • MsLsMsLs member

    So basically do what I did last night?

    Friday night, I took Tylenol at 4 pm, then Aspirin at 6, and then by 7 I was crying so much, I took one of the Roxicets I had left over from DD2's birth. I have heard they have medical botox for migraine sufferers, but I never really thought I was one until I started looking at all the time I spend suffering. I may have to look into it. I can't do the past weekend and last night over and over again.

    Thanks. Hope you guys find some relief too.


    My Mom does the Botox shots right in her head. At first she said it was really bizarre and painful but she swears by it. I think it's on the top of her head, her neck, temples and between the eyes.

    Also, I find I almost always get headaches related to food, caffeine and PMS. So basically if I didn't eat enough that day, had too much or too little caffeine- yes I've been told to cut it out completely - no freaking way that is happening, and if my period is coming. It sucks being a girl! But my point is I can usually tell when I'm gong to get one before I get one which can help get medicine in sooner and rest in sooner.  

  • imageNita2603:
    I am supposed to take maxalt, zofran and morphine. If I take those while I get the aura and before the pain hits, I sometimes get lucky and can function somewhat. If I am not quick enough or don't get lucky, I have to call a sitter or a family member until DH gets home I have passed out from the pain in the past and so it's just not safe if I am alone with the kids. If nobody is available, all I can do is put them in a safe place, like the playroom, get snacks and bottles ready and lay on the ground in there and hope someone comes quickly before the kids get bored. That has only happened once so far though.

    That was my fear. I only needed to get through two hours before the girls went to bed, but those are two rough hours with dinner and baths. I don't think I am quite as bad as you.

    I said it before, but they do medical botox for sever migraine sufferers. Insurance will cover it if you can prove a history. I don't know that I am at that point yet, but it seems like I am getting there. My mom started getting migraines in her thirties, so I anticipate it will get worse.

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  • imageMsLs:

    So basically do what I did last night?

    Friday night, I took Tylenol at 4 pm, then Aspirin at 6, and then by 7 I was crying so much, I took one of the Roxicets I had left over from DD2's birth. I have heard they have medical botox for migraine sufferers, but I never really thought I was one until I started looking at all the time I spend suffering. I may have to look into it. I can't do the past weekend and last night over and over again.

    Thanks. Hope you guys find some relief too.


    My Mom does the Botox shots right in her head. At first she said it was really bizarre and painful but she swears by it. I think it's on the top of her head, her neck, temples and between the eyes.

    Also, I find I almost always get headaches related to food, caffeine and PMS. So basically if I didn't eat enough that day, had too much or too little caffeine- yes I've been told to cut it out completely - no freaking way that is happening, and if my period is coming. It sucks being a girl! But my point is I can usually tell when I'm gong to get one before I get one which can help get medicine in sooner and rest in sooner.  

    I am really thinking about trying the botox. I don't think I would do botox for any other reason, but if it helps with the pain, I am not going to cry over the loss of any wrinkles.

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  • If I cannot do something before the migraine hits then I am screwed. I am nonfunctional when I get a full blown migraine. I take Fiorcet because I got migraines while pregnant and it is "safe" during pregnancy. It works so I saw no reason to change after having LO. I get an aura with blurry vision and nausea but it can start 12 hours before so I will wait to see if I can sleep through it or take meds closer to the actual headache so I only have to take one dose. I get at least one migraine a month but I have had times where I got one every day for 2 weeks.

    Migraines are awful. Sorry you have to deal with them. Hope you can find something that works!

    Our Little Raspberry Born 3/27/12
  • imageacaudill75:

    I am supposed to take maxalt, zofran and morphine. If I take those while I get the aura and before the pain hits, I sometimes get lucky and can function somewhat. If I am not quick enough or don't get lucky, I have to call a sitter or a family member until DH gets home I have passed out from the pain in the past and so it's just not safe if I am alone with the kids. If nobody is available, all I can do is put them in a safe place, like the playroom, get snacks and bottles ready and lay on the ground in there and hope someone comes quickly before the kids get bored. That has only happened once so far though.

    That was my fear. I only needed to get through two hours before the girls went to bed, but those are two rough hours with dinner and baths. I don't think I am quite as bad as you.

    I said it before, but they do medical botox for sever migraine sufferers. Insurance will cover it if you can prove a history. I don't know that I am at that point yet, but it seems like I am getting there. My mom started getting migraines in her thirties, so I anticipate it will get worse.

    I'll have to look into that for sure.
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