
Extreme Moms

I just turned on this new show on lifetime called Extreme Moms. Holy shiit. I missed the first ten minutes but this woman wouldnt let her three year old daughter live at her house, she lived with her gma! She freaked out when her husband tried to make the kids dinner to eat at the table I think she was a germaphope. She didnt even let people in the house. The other mom was obsessed with being a MILF and taking her clothes off. She put half naked pictures on the town website. 

The episode Im watching now has a mom who is obsessed with being a child. She wears footie pjs to the grocery store and dressed up as a frog and made her kids give thier new neighbors frogs instead of brownies. She was at a resteraunt and stood on the chair screaming "I dont wanna grow up". And then of course the party mom who gets so drunk she blacks out.

I dont know what to make of this, I think I may have found a new guilty pleasure. Even DH is watching.

TL;DR Watch Extreme Moms on Lifetime, these broads are whack! Its amazeballs. 

Re: Extreme Moms

  • shakesshakes member

    I just turned on this new show on lifetime called Extreme Moms. Holy shiit. I missed the first ten minutes but this woman wouldnt let her three year old daughter live at her house, she lived with her gma! She freaked out when her husband tried to make the kids dinner to eat at the table I think she was a germaphope. She didnt even let people in the house. The other mom was obsessed with being a MILF and taking her clothes off. She put half naked pictures on the town website. 

    The episode Im watching now has a mom who is obsessed with being a child. She wears footie pjs to the grocery store and dressed up as a frog and made her kids give thier new neighbors frogs instead of brownies. She was at a resteraunt and stood on the chair screaming "I dont wanna grow up". And then of course the party mom who gets so drunk she blacks out.

    I dont know what to make of this, I think I may have found a new guilty pleasure. Even DH is watching.

    TL;DR Watch Extreme Moms on Lifetime, these broads are whack! Its amazeballs. 

    Man, I never get to watch this kind of stuff. DH has zero tolerance for it. Not the behaviours but the glorification of it via t.v shows. Boring.






  • It comes on again after WifeSwap. The one little girl had to live with her grandma until she is seven and she sprays disinfectant on the older four to get them up. We are watching WifeSwap now too. I agree with the eyerolling. I dont think I have even spent $4000 on clothes in the laat fifteen years. I still wear t shirts from high school.

    DH says he hates to watch these shows but somehow he always knows more about what is going on than I do. Hahaha. I think it makes him appreciate me more. 

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  • Who procreates with these women? I'm starting to understand where the phrase "don't stick your diick in crazy" came from.
  • I hate this board for reminding me why cable really isn't that bad. Blehhh, I miss reality tv lol
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  • I need to find this show! I love tacky reality tv, it is my guilty pleasure.
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