Hey mamas,
Has anyone else's milk supply dropped drastically since returning to work?
I've been back to work for almost 3 full weeks now and since Friday I've notices a dramatic drop when I pump and DS is never full anymore when I nurse. I was pumping about 30-35oz a day before last Friday (plus whatever DS nurses) and now I'm down to 15-20oz a day (plus whatever DS nurses).
I've started taking Fenugreek over the weekend and drinking Mother's Milk tea...I even baked lactation cookies. Been doing this since Saturday and haven't noticed a difference.
Is it possible I'm just drying up since my schedule has changed now and I'm not nursing as often? Makes me sad to think of that possibility!
Re: Milk Supply
I thought I've read that my supply would have already regulated itself? Is it really possible for it to regulate and change so drastically when he's almost 3 months old? Just wondering since I'm a FTM and have no comparisons
5 to 7 oz at 12 weeks for a bfed baby is a LOT of milk! Are you sure they aren't over feeding him at daycare? Bfed babies eat a lot less than a FF baby. I worked full time and bfed DD until she was 16 months old and she never took more than 4oz.
Bfed babies can be easily overfed because of the flow of the nipple. its a lot easier for them to drink more, but they don't always need that much.
Just a thought....
Thank you for the help ladies. I'm really gonna keep on trying to nurse and pump if possible. Just hope my supply isn't drying up from relying so much on the pump and being away from my son so much!
My baby only eats 2 ounces maybe 3 at a time so I can still keep up with her. She is 12 weeks but has never been a big eater
ditto the above... I'm sure your parents are doing an awesome job, but it's very possible they're over feeding him. BFed babies tend to need 1 oz for every hour they're away from mama. I would suggest giving him a little less and then a paci (if he takes one) to satisfy his need to suck.
BFed babies will drink and drink until they burst...when they nurse, the stop b/c the milk stops. A lot of babies don't know how to stop when they're full and will keep drinking from the bottle.
My little man at 0-1-2
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I'm confused because I always read the opposite. That BFed babies always stop when full. Plus, it sounds like this baby does stop when he's full according to OP. I think we've gotten off topic here. OP just wanted to know about supply dropping, not whether you feel her baby is being overfed.
Hopefully if you can nurse as much as possible over weekends it will help. Drinking a lot of water and trying to relax a bit before pumping helped me.
Good luck!
But I'm sure you can see how the two topics are related though right? If he's being overfed, then her supply won't be able to keep up.
And I've always read that you can't overfeed a BFed baby...but that's when they're being BFed, not bottle fed. No one's attacking her...we're posting advice because she asked for help.
My little man at 0-1-2
Pin me baby!
When he takes a bottle if he doesn't want anymore he swats it away and won't take it back even when offered, which leads me to believe he's not overfed. Even when nursing in the past if he's done even before I stop flowing he'll spit out the nipple and won't take it back when offered. When doing a weight before/after feeding at the pedi's office at his 2 month he nursed 5oz from me based on the weights...which also leads me to believe what he's getting from the bottles isn't too much. I do thank everyone that has responded however I don't believe he is being overfed at all based on so many factors, plus he hasn't increased in his feeding as much as my supply has dropped.
I appreciate the help and advice but my biggest concern is about dropping from 30-35oz pumped a day to 15-20oz pumped all of a sudden. I was just curious if anyone else experienced this, if it was normal, and if there was anything that could be done to help it increase again. I want to be able to keep up with my baby as I planned on BF for a year so I was really hoping to be able to make it work.
I'm sure stress from work is a huge factor and I'm really trying to combat that (I have a very high level position at a local college) but I was honestly just looking for any other tips that might help maintain and increase my supply a bit more. DS is and has been a big eater since the beginning and I honestly just want to keep up with him a little while longer, even if it ends up not being the full year as I had originally wanted.
sorry mama I'm sure this is hard. Alright, here's what I would do (but I've never been in your position)...eat oatmeal every day for breakfast, make sure your drinking tons of water, take Fenugreek, drink dark beer, make lactation cookies (did you say you did that?) You could also try calling a LC?
You could add another pumping session somewhere too or pump in the car? Keep pictures of your LO around when you pump and try to think about him...it will encourage letdown. You could also try "power pumping" Here is a good article from kellymom: https://kellymom.com/bf/pumpingmoms/pumping/pumping_decrease/
Some mamas just don't respond to the pump that well and maybe it's taken your body a while to realize that. Your baby will always be better at getting milk from you than the pump will I hope your supply goes back up soon!
My little man at 0-1-2
Pin me baby!
Thank you. I've been in touch with the LC from the hospital I delivered at, but I'm not too happy with her. She always tells me everything is normal and not to worry about it.
It really is hard, but hopefully some of these things will help!
Thank you! I pretty much only drink water and all throughout pregnancy and even now I'm drinking an average of 100oz a day. Maybe because I'm running around and talking more at work I need to up my water intake more.