
s/o ear piercing (hole closing?)

If you once had your ear(s) pierced and now don't how long did it take to heal? My ears were pierced when I was an infant. I can not tell you the last time I wore ear rings. Honestly, maybe as a joke like 6 years ago for 5 mins. Then like 15 years ago before that. 

My holes do not close. Am I a freak? I had my belly button pierced for a few years, took that out and it's closed up pretty good.

Ears Y U No Close?


Re: s/o ear piercing (hole closing?)

  • Mine closed in a couple months. I am sure it just varies. Also, I only had mine pierced when I was a adult, and only for a few years. So maybe that makes a difference?
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  • I don't know about ears, but I had my belly button pierced for like a week before I changed my mind and thought it was stupid. Twelve years later, it's still completely open. I freaking hate it.
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  • I have three holes in each ear (all done before I was 13 so at least 24 years ago). I wear diamonds DH gave me in the botton hole every day. Every once in a while I will put earrings in the top two just to keep them from getting too tight. They hurt a little when I do it, but have never actually closed.

    I like having options.

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  • My ears will start to close within a week or two of not wearing earring. I've had to poke through the closed-up skin to get the earrings back in. It's disgusting.My brother, on the hand, had his ears pierced for awhile, took them out years ago, and can still get earrings in no problem.

    I don't know what the difference is between the two of us, but I have much more sensitive skin. My ears get irritated with anything other than silver and gold. Probably because I'm one classy b!tch.

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  • I had mine done as an infant and they never close even though I rarely wear earrings. I had two more sets of holes as a teen and they're both closed.
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  • I had my ears pierced as an infant and the holes have never closed. Wearing earrings is a once every 1 to 2 years thing. But the second holes I had done when I was 11 or so closed within a month of taking out the earrings in spite of my allowing them to heal from the initial piercing for the piercer's recommended amount of time.

    // I love you too. //

  • My ears were pierced at age 8 (or 9?) and they won't close, even though I don't wear earrings anymore. 

    My belly button was pierced at age 15, and it finally closed like, last year (I'm 24). Still looks gross, though, since it was pierced off-center. Pregnancy really helped me out in the weird-looking belly button department, too... lol

    I had my tragus pierced at 18-ish (the little bit of cartilage in front of your ear hole), haven't worn anything in it for about 4 years, and it's still open. 

    I had an industrial ear piercing at 18 or 19 (too lazy to describe, google it), kept it for a few weeks til it started to get infected, and it grew back in a couple of days.

    I had my lip pierced at 18, got tired of taking it out for work and waiting for it to properly heal, and it grew back in a couple of days.  

    I had my septum pierced twice at 19. The first time it grew back over night, so I got it re-pierced in a different spot later. When trying to get my new piercing back in, I accidentally shoved it through the old (healed) hole. So I wore 2 septum rings for awhile because I thought I was a bad . I am currently A) not interested in wearing a nose ring and B) afraid of the pain it would take to find out if I could still shove a ring through my nose.


    And there is more information about me than you ever wanted to know. And I didn't even go into my cleavage piercing saga... lucky you. Wink 

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  • imagekatem3277:
    so what you are saying is that infant ear piercing = scarred for life.  Good to know. lol


  • imageemkatrine:
    I had an upper cartilage piercing and the 3rd hole on my ear lobe (why does that sound dirty??) that closed pretty quick, but the 2nd hole has stayed open even though I never wear earrings there. Also, I'm jealous your belly button piercing closed, because mine never did and it looks gross, especially after pregnancy.

    Hey EM! We shared the same hole! LOL (upper cartilage) damn chrome for not letting me bold your text.... whoa. that does sound dirty. 



  • I have one about half way up my ear that doesn't close up.  The ones in my lobes and in the cartlidge on the top did close up.

    ETA:  I'm not sure how long it took them to close though  Once I stopped wearing earrings in those holes, I didn't even try to put any in for years and years.

  • If we're talking non-ear piercings, I had my tongue pierced in high school (11 years ago now) and had it in for about a year and I can still see the hole if I hold my tongue right.  I doubt I could get anything through it though - it's probably more of a surface thing.
  • My first holes in my ears won't close either. My second and third holes would though. That sounds dirty.


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  • I got my ears pierced when I was 12.  I'm 44 now.  It's been at least a decade since I wore earrings.  The holes are still there.
    promised myself I'd retire when I turned gold, and yet here I am
  • Mine close after just a few weeks.  I got them pierced when I went into high school, 2nd piercing at 18.  

    Took my belly ring out while I was pregnant.  Right after I had DS I could still put it in, but it's completely closed now.  I didn't want to leave it in because my stomach skin was so disgusting and stretched out it looks ridiculous with a belly ring.  And I think I'm just past that stage in life... 


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