I still feel a little sore in the abdominal area and it has been almost 3 months come June 2nd. Is this normal? It's not a pain or anything that I feel I should go to the doctor for. Just kinda sore. It's hard to explain....kinda like a heaviness. Aside from the fact I still have a few pounds to lose to get back to pre-prego. Maybe the fat I still have in the abdomen is heavy to carry around if that makes sense.
Anywh.... Are the rest of you c-section ladies fully recovered yet? Or not?
Re: Any C-section March mamas still sore?
Sorry, I couldn't be much help. I do know that there are a lot of nerve endings in tissue and sometimes they can be painful for a while.
Pretty much the same. The only thing I noticed (and still do occasionally) is if I bend or twist in an odd way I get a quick soreness/pain that subsides rather quickly. Sorry I couldn't be of much help!
I am almost 3 months PP and still have some occasional pain. It's usually when I sneeze or lift something heavy but only on my left side. It feels like stinging and lasts for awhile, but not painful enough to be concerning. Hoping soon to feel completely normal again!
ughh. Mine is forever kicking me in the incision while side lying nursing!
This. I'm almost 11 weeks PP and only around week 10 could I go for lengthy walks without being stiff, sore and achy afterwards. I haven't tried to do an actual workout yet, but I've been feeling pretty good just doing my day to day stuff.
I ended up doing this too, but WAAAY in the beginning when I was using creative measures to get up off the couch! I made myself get rid of the pills.
My incision has actually been really itchy today!
DS1 -6/25/11
DS2 -3/23/13
Missed MC D&C 8/26/14
DD - 8/26/15
LO#4 due 5/30/17
BFP #1 09/02/11 M/C 09/12/11 8w6days
BFP #2 07/18/12 Baby S born on his EDD 03/23/13
SS - age 12...SD - age 8...DS - 13 mos.
Ditto on the pulling and burning. Ugh!