Cloth Diapering

Silly question

Hi I'm brand new to CD and DS is 12 weeks. Just started my trial today and I have what seems like a ridiculous question. I can tell when to change a wet disposable diaper because of the way it feels. How do I know when a cloth diaper is wet and needs changing? And if you have any tips for the transition to cloth I would love to hear them! Thanks!
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Re: Silly question

  • Change every 2 hours or if you hear LO go poop.
  • I just stick my finger in to check if I'm not sure. Either down the back or side of leg.


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  • Try to change every 2 hours, and you'll get used to the feel of the wet diaper. It took me a couple weeks. The diaper will feel heavier when wet.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
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