My 3 day old does not want to eat very often. And if he doesn't want to there is almost no way he is going to be forced to. When I try he just cries and gets really mad.
He only eats well on breast for maybe every 6 hours. I've been pumping and he will drink it from a bottle really fast!
He pooped a ton the first 2 days like 4 times but hasn't gone now for like 36 hours!
Any suggestions please?!?!
Re: Normal?
All this . Cj was a sleepy eater for the first 3 to 4 weeks he was 4 weeks early . I would need to wake him up 4 or more times during feedings. A diaper change before feeding every 2 hours may help get lo awake, then I would set a goal of trying to nurse for at least 15 min but no more than 30 before supplementing with pumped milk. We had to do this for the first two weeks because cj was low birth weight and jaundice, but If he had a good latch and ate well I wouldn't supplement and eventually he was having more good feedings than bad and we didn't need to supplement anymore. He is 6 months now and we breast feed exclusively aside from the solids we've started. Hang in there.