

So yesterday and today I have been resting a lot due to working and just feeling like crap. The down side to this seems to be lots of cramping and lower abdomen pressure plus back pain. I can still feel plenty of movement but it is lower then it has been. Did anyone else experience this or is it a bad sign. I am not in serious pain just enough to be annoying. My OB is out of town this week so I when I go in for check up it will be someone different do I mention this then. Sorry it's a little all over the place but  FTM at 33 weeks just happy to still have my boys in me and not the NICU. 

Re: Cramping

  • ceechieceechie member
    Does it go away when you lay down on your side?
    I'm 33 weeks and its just so much baby we're carrying at this point. So, I tend to do a lot of self induced bed rest. But as long as I feel better laying down and it stops, I feel pretty secure its not labor. And drinking water. I also try to wear a belly support band when up.
    But always, when in doubt, call L and D.
  • If youre really concerned, I would definitely tell you to call the oncall at your office. Better to be safe and cautious and resting easier. If you dont call, definitely mention it at your next appt. Otherwise, my NON MEDICAL DEGREED advice would be to rest and kick your feet up as much as possible. Get plenty of water and fluids and relax. It just sounds like the babies might be putting pressure lower on you than you are used to. I am NOT a doctor in anyway though so if you are really concerned, definitely call. Good luck and hope those babes stay cookin a bit longer!!
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  • I've been experiencing all these things at 24 weeks! I think it is just our bodies getting really sore from the huge load we are carrying. But probably safe to check with your Dr. I called mine and they said that as long as nothing was developing a regular pattern, then I shouldnt be concerned about occasional cramping. And the pressure is normal since two babies are sitting on your bladder and pelvis... when I squat down it literally feels like my vagina might explode or something! Lol tmi

    But they told me to drink water, lay on your left side and try to lay down when ever you feel those pains. If the persist no matter what you do, go in.
  • Also I think its normal to feel a little less movement or less intense punches and kicks since they start to run out of room in there.
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