I plan on using prefolds/covers. I have about 14 covers (some OS, some size 1 thirsties and some XS thirsties) but I need to order prefolds. I think I'm going to get the Imagine SmartFit from nickisdiapers.com. My question is how many should I have? I plan to start using them within a week of coming home from the hospital. I will also have about 30 OS pockets to use when LO grows into them (which won't be long because they are estimating her to be at least 8.5-9lbs if I make it to full term!)
I was thinking 24 or 36 prefolds. What is your opinion?
Re: How many prefolds?
We had 24 newborn prefolds and used them exclusively until 9 weeks. She moved to infant size prefolds at that time (which we also have 24 of). She was 7lbs 14oz at birth, and didn't fit into ANY of her OS pockets until she was over 12lbs. Most didn't fit until after 13lbs.
We never ran out of diapers (I think the closest we got while doing laundry was having 6 or 7 diapers left). We have washed every other day since the beginning.