May 2012 Moms

May 2012 Babies

DD is so inquisitive about everything now. She'll point to stuff and say "da?", we'll say the word for what it is, and then she'll point to something else and this can go on all day. She's getting so good in her comprehension for some of her more common words like "daddy, book, loki (the dog), kitty, cup" if I say the wrong word and try to trick her she'll shake her head no and point again.

Still not walking but she wants to so badly. She'll walk along the edge of the couch and when she comes to the end will look at the coffee table and reach and when she can't quite get it she'll second guess herself and walk to the other side of the couch again or drop down and crawl to the table.

She cracks me up with the stuff she picks up at daycare. She had "all done" down and her new thing is putting her finger to her mouth to shush us. It's adorable.

Edit: I just noticed she has the corner of a top tooth poking through this morning. That will make 3 teeth :)

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Re: May 2012 Babies

  • tjkdlhbtjkdlhb member
    I sang "old MacDonald" to her yesterday and she sang EIEIO.  She did it again this morning, so I know it wasn't a fluke!


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  • k4slr6k4slr6 member
    Dds first tooth cut through this week!  She had her 1 yr appt and is 16.2 lbs and 28 tall.  She points at things and says "dis" which we are guessing is this.  Last night we were with friends and their kids and the bigger kids kept taking her toys and finally she got fed up and started yelling and waving her hands at them.  It was hilarious.
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    My /Chart; BFP 3/8/11 CP 3/16/11; 7/11 HSG & S/A both clear;
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  • RaeAntRaeAnt member

    DD has 7 front teeth and her first molar just popped the corner through.

    She pretty much is refusing to walk despite us knowing that she can or could. She's a bullet when she crawls, crawls really fast. She cruises all over the place and will walk just hanging on to the tip of your pinkie but as soon as you get her to let go, she'll stop, stoop to crawling position  and then take off. If she has the balance to stop there and stoop with no support, she can stand and walk on her own,too.

    Her words are bear,ha (short a) for hat, diaper,boo (book),buh (bunny),duh (dog),nah (nap),she says something similar to bear for our dog Butters, mih(milk)for her bottle,we think she says "hi" as well. She does say mama & Dada but we aren't sure that she quite connects it yet like we know she knows the other words. She definitely understands more than she says which is typical. We also think she makes some none descript sounds to mean her brother

    She loves "singing" and "dancing" and is pretty good with keeping time and rhythm.

    Can't wait for her 1 year appointment on her birthday to see how much she's grown.

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  • GromMomGromMom member
    Lo is doing great with baby sign, he signed want more milk the other morning. It is so cute when he does the more sign and says mum mum mum, nay nay for the kitty and nana for the dog. We are a ways from walking, but he crawls up a storm!
  • ava is walking all over the place now. she has 7 front teeth (cut 4of her top ones in a week )  :( that was miserable times. she talks alot. she says wally world when she gets to her stroller thats for walmart it hysterical husband taught her that. she says doggies when she sees her puppies or inlaws dog. she says love you. no and yeah its so cute. when she used to fall I would always say bonk so now everytime she plops on her butt she says bop. when she see flowers she says flower and pretty and she comes up and says tckle tickle and tries to tickle you. pretty big vocabulary for her age which I am sure will get me into trouble in the future. LOVE HER so much shes so much fun
  • DS says tickle, Dah-dee, mama.  He slaps his hand to his forehead and says Oh Man!  When we ask him to show us his teeth he does it, and when we ask him to show us his tongue he sticks it out.  He is taking about 5 steps at a time before he falls and crawls.  He just learned out how to shake his head no! which is very helpful during meal times.  He also takes toys and lightly bangs his head when we say "bonk". 

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  • ELF4321ELF4321 member
    DD has 12 teeth, including 4 molars that just finished coming through. I hope we get a break from teething for awhile now! She is cruising like a pro and figured out how to climb the stairs, but doesn't seem too interested in walking on her own. I guess she's already able to get into enough trouble to keep her happy for awhile!

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  • Wow, 12 teeth, that's incredible! At least you got through a lot of teething at once, my daughter only has 2 teeth and doesn't show any signs of cutting another one any time soon!

    I thought she would be walking early because she was standing unsupported at 9 months, however I think she is pretty cautious. She gets around very quickly crawling and by knee hopping (which is pretty funny to watch).

    She is a happy little thing, and can say momma and dadda and no and moo. I am enjoying watching her grow into a little person! 

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  • V has been walking since 9 months, and she runs now.  We are in so much trouble.  Climbs stairs too; showed no interest in them until a couple of weeks ago, and then spent about an hour studying them, then climbed right up with no issues (except giving me a heart attack).

    She says Dada, Nana, Nonnee (we think that's supposed to be Bunny, which is one of my frequently used nicknames for her - she calls me Nonnee), Doda (Jonah, the dog), and says 'Hi' correctly. A few others randomly - cah (cat), cah (cup), etc.  Points at everything she wants.

    The tantrums are killer.

    4 teeth with bumps coming up elsewhere for what seems like forever now.

    Tall girl at nearly 31 inches.  Loves to play dress up with my clothes, though we've no idea where that came from.

    Gabriel Ross - August 24, 2009 * Vivienne Rose - May 1, 2012

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