Eco-Friendly Family

Self tanner?

If you have used a product for this purpose, what did you use?  I used to be a devotee of the jergens brand, but have stopped using while pregnant.  Is there any natural alternative for this purpose that you have found? Other than the sun;) 

Re: Self tanner?

  • I am a beauty therapist and I also train girls to do spray tans.

    All self-tanners/fake tan/spray tan contain DHA, which is made from Sugar Cane. Technically it is natural, but so is arsenic,  so natural/organic does not always mean safe. The main things you want to avoid is fragrance, as that can legally hide over 400 different chemicals. You also want to avoid alcohol. The main reason is because your skin can be very sensitive when your expecting.

    I use Black Magic Vibe, which make a at-home mousse, which is organic, smells like NOTHING and should be ok, however no fake tan has ever been tested on pregnant women, that's the main reason you are mainly told to avoid things. Black magic is Australian, I use it in New Zealand, but I have a feeling it may be available on line? 

    I have spray tanned over 10,000 clients using the black magic vibe professional tan, and have spray tanned 100's of pregnant women, and will continue to do so now that I am expecting. I always tell my clients it is their own personal choice, explain there has been no research, and check with the dr if they are concerned.

     Please avoid the sun, as Chloasma, a hormone related pigmentation that can appear on your face, can be almost impossible to get rid of! Not to mention UV and melanoma.... 

  • TwirpleTwirple member

    For a completely natural self tanner, you can mix 1/2 cup cocoa butter with 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder (chocolate).  You need to let the mixture sit for 15 minutes before applying to make sure that the powder dissolves completely.  Once you apply, let it dry for 30+ minutes before putting any white clothing.

    I have not tried this, but I have heard it works. 


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