March 2013 Moms

2 questions

I breastfeed but decided to give LO formula today to see if he takes it better than breastmilk. He's taking it just fine. I have two questions :

1. I give him about 4 ounces every 4 hours but he acts like he wants more. An hour later he ate 3 more ounces! How do I know when to stop? I don't want to give him too much but enough. He is 2 months by the way.

2. With formula feeding he drinks it in about ten minutes whereas BF he takes his sweet little time, usually 45 minutes. So now I have all this extra time that I didn't have before to entertain him and he seems frustrated. I put him in his bouncy chair, play gym, TT and mobile time. He has actually started to fall asleep more during the day which is rare for him. Anyway, any suggestions for other things to do? He has a really short fuse.
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Re: 2 questions

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    Are you nursing first and then offering the formula? Babies will stop eating when they're full. It was hard for me to grasp that at first.

    Before I stopped bf i'd nurse first then offer formula and he always drank a lot because he wasn't getting enough breast milk.
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    Are you nursing first and then offering the formula? Babies will stop eating when they're full. It was hard for me to grasp that at first.

    Before I stopped bf i'd nurse first then offer formula and he always drank a lot because he wasn't getting enough breast milk.

    No I'm giving him straight formula today pumping every feeding, so I can tell if it will help with gas.

    So he just has a big appetite then? Maybe my supply hasn't been enough and that's why he's fussy... Maybe. It's still not been a day just yet.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    My lo was pretty fussy when I was ebf. If the pacifier fell out he'd scream. He weighed 6 lb 15 oz at birth and we thought he'd gained weight, but at his 1 mo appt he was only 6 lbs 6 oz. Below 5. I was devistated so we started nursing then giving formula and he'd drink so much formula so I figured I wasn't really producing any. So we went to straight formula and he gained two pounds the first week...AND didn't even want the pacifier! He also started to relax more and would lay on his back.

    That's my story, not everyone's is the same, and I'm still jealous of those that are high producing milk machines haha. But formula changed his life. He went from drinking 3.5 oz at 5.5 weeks, to now 6 at 9 wks. I also think formula babies drink more oz after a while as well.
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