Cloth Diapering

multi level houses

If you have more then one floor that you actively live in how/where do you store your diapers?

We will all sleep on the second story. We have a changing dresser set up in the nursery with ALL of my CD right now. The main floor has a station that will have diapers. However this was the level we had the main tv at but the tv has since moved to the remideled basement. I think I need a station down thier as well and possiably not on yhe main floor but DH thinks there needs to be three. Ok... with twins I dont really care except I have a dozen covers and that kind of stretches each area thin. If Im over thinking this please say so. Ill be a SAHM with minimal help the first few months. Just trying to make everything VERY easy.
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Re: multi level houses

  • Our nursery is upstairs (main level) and our bedroom (where the baby currently sleeps) is in the basement. We have the full set up in the nursery where its handy for the day (close to living room). For night I have a basket on the blanket box at the foot of my bed with change pad, wipes, bum cream, night diapers, a couple day diapers for morning, extra sleeper. Especially with twins I would put a second changing station where you spend most of your time (even just having a basket or cupboard in your living room). I agree a third station might stretch you thin because you need covers, bum cream, etc at all of them. And if you're constantly restocking or running to another station for a cover there's no time savings.
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  • We have two floors and live in a fairly small house-about 1100 sq feet.  We just have the diapering station upstairs in LO's bedroom.  For us, it's much easier to go upstairs and change M instead of cluttering the living area up even more with a changing station. It's also nice for the extra exercise of going up and down the stairs almost a dozen times each day :)
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  • We moved into a 2 story house when DD was 1.  We only set up in her room, though now that I am pregnant I set up another station downstairs in the playroom.  DD is still in diapers and now we almost exclusively use the downstairs station- I just stock both up with dipes and wipes, etc.  When the second one comes we'll use both due to middle of the night changes.
  • We have 3 stories. Babies room in on the top story and we have a changing table there and on the main flor we have another changing table. We don't have one in our basement even though that's where our tv is bc most of our time is spent on the main floor bc that's where the kitchen, laundry room, master bedroom and living room are.
  • We have a three level house, although the basement is just a guest room and laundry room, so I don't spend much time there.  Still, I just have a changing table in the nursery upstairs.  I don't mind going up there to change, especially since most changes happen right after feeding and I generally do that in the nursery too.  However, if I had twins, I might not want to climb stairs all the time (especially since I can't imagine even trying to do it with both babies at the same time...that would just freak me out).  So, in that instance, maybe consider putting an extra station where you spend the most time.  Three might be overkill.  Maybe start with 2 and if you find yourself wishing you had a third, then set up another one then.
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