My daughter will be 3 June 23, and will be starting preschool in august its 3hours, she has to be potty trained, she is in the process and really doesn't like it, I've started training her a month ago and she hasn't actually peed in the toilet she just sits and holds it. She is really excited for preschool and I tell her all the time that she has to go pee in the potty if she wants to go to preschool...
Has anyone dealt with potty training before preschool and success?
Re: potty training before preschool
You might want to try the three day naked at home and see how it goes. If she takes to it, great. If not, you still have some time.
Honestly, I wouldn't hold preschool over her head as a way to get her to use the potty. To an adult, it seems like a great bribe/reason to begin using the potty. But 2 y/o kids don't think that way.
If you really want her in panties well before preschool starts, do one of the "3 day training" programs. Or, just chill and see what happens.
My son had NEVER gone in the potty when he started preschool just after his 3rd birthday. He could hold his pee, but he was afraid to go in the potty. I was sweating it, but he was my 2nd kid, and I knew the preschool teachers. I just put him in a pull-up and told him to try not to pee while he was at school. He did fine at school -- no accidents. He started using the potty about a month after he turned 3, and was trained in a day.
ditto this. I am a big believer in the 3 day method and also going cold turkey. No pull-ups (except maybe at night and naps if needed.) She can do it!!!!
I'm sorry but this is crazy and if some woman had her kid peeing in the middle of CVS I'd be irritated. DD seemed very ready at 26 months. We just stayed home for about 4-5 days until she pretty much got it. When I started risking going out I'd have her go before we left, when we got there and I always had a change of clothes.
Yeah, that seems extreme to me. CVS has bathrooms, so no need to pee in the aisle.
Ds wasn't trained when I looked for 2 1/2 year programs, so I had to choose the only one around that allowed diapers. He was to start in June (this was April). Oddly enough, he turned out to be trained by the time June rolled around without pressure.
My dd is mostly trained, but I'm lazy when out and about, so I put her in diapers. I'm going to have to wean myself off (she still asks to use the bathroom when out, but sometimes in the car, I don't feel like pulling over to find a bathroom with 2 kids) since she will be starting preschool in the fall.
I can't say that we ever went to the bathroom in a store aisle, but I carried a potty in the back of my car for a long time. We'd use it before going into the store and before getting back into the car, at parks with no toilet, on drives when my kids suddenly had to go and we're 20 minutes from our destination. Beats shuttling them all into a dirty gas station bathroom. It was an SUV so we could close the back and open the window for some privacy. Huge lifesaver so many times. Trying to deal with two 2-year olds in a public restroom was hard enough, let alone finding the place. Now that it isn't such an urgent matter and we have more time between saying they have to pee and a potential accident we don'g carry it anymore (haven't for a while). But early on - lifesaver.
I'm going to have to get one of these. With ds, it wasn't as much of an issue because he could always go outside in an emergency. Dd is a bit tricker, so that would be a good solution.
Frankly I think three is a tough age to train because it is the age of the Free Will. I personally would change how you think and talk about it. Don't train her. Inform her this how our family does things. It's not an option, it's not a mandate, it's just a fact. A tree has roots. A chair is for sitting. A toilet is for toileting.
And throw out the diapers and pull ups. And no begging and pleading and forcing her. When she has an accident, you clean it (Woolite Pet Oxygen is awesome)- I always made the pee-er go to the bathroom and strip while I did this) and take a super long time cleaning her. And make her dress herself (with DD#2 this was the magic because she didn't get to pick her clothes after she peed, she had to put on any old thing mom picked and from 18 months she has been very girly and precise about what she wears) without assistance, Then have her wait while you wipe down the bathroom, and put the peepee clothes in the laundry (if you cloth diaper, you may have a wetbag? Or use a trashcan with a lid and put a drop of tea tree oil on each new set of pee clothes and wash all at the end of the day). Then take a loooooong time washing her hands, and have her wash hers. I never really mentioned the accident itself... just kinda made the clean up take a long time. So it takes her away from whatever she was doing.
I did stalk my kids with a little potty. Just would drop it in the room we/they were in with a sweet "just in case, it's here for you," I also would randomly check underwear and throw a ridiculous I-just-won-a-million-dollars type of party if dry. But tried to never show exasperation or demand they use the potty. EXCEPT. When we had to go somewhere. Family rule. EVERYBODY pees or tries hard before going in the car. This is non negotiable. THat may mean holding off on going somewhere until she pees in the potty or on the floor but for the record- my kids never peed in the car. I would keep a potty seat in the car all the time. My kids are (nearly)4, 4 and 5.5 and still lives in my car for emergencies.
LOOOONG story short- It's simply something we do. LIke bathing, carseats, eating, not an option. It is not a tool for control. Give her control. Celebrate often when things are as they should be (dry) and let the natural sequence that follows accidents remain neutral but loooong.
My girls loved the book Princess and the Potty and I would read it to them when they would sit on the potty with crazy woman royal flourish.
I would give her lots of naked time. I tried 3 day with DD at 25 months because she was staying dry for longer periods of time. Total failure because she did not like to be told what to do. Bagged it and just gave her lots of naked time when at home and then put her in diapers when out and about. Started throwing her poops in the toilet with her. Didn't mention the potty at all other than peepee goes in the potty.
1 month later she decided on her own that she wanted to use the potty (I told her if you need to pee ask for a diaper of go sit on the potty and she used the potty). It was even on vacation in someone else's house. Of course I wasn't prepared for this so I had no panties but she spent most of the time naked during that week. The day after we got back we put her in panties to go to school and that was it. She was out of night time diapers 2 weeks later per her request and have only had a handful of accidents in the past 10 months.
For on the go we use the Potette plus and it works great. We rarely use it anymore but initially used it a lot in the car (deathly afraid of publish/regular toilets). Now I have it in the car just in case and that is it.