DD turn 1 year old on May 5. I was wondering when you started giving your child nuts and peanut butter? I'm allergic to nuts so of course I'm hoping DD is not. I know the theory of waiting is better is not necessarily true any more but I just thought I'd ask you what your experiences have been. TIA!
Re: Introducing nuts
My entire family has allergies. So, I will tell you what our pedi told us. Yes, there is a benefit to waiting if you have a family history of allergies. She told us to wait till 2 to introduce peanut butter. No actual nuts until 3 since they are a choking hazard.
We have no allergies in our families so DS has been eating peanut butter for a few months now.
Like pp said, no actual nuts til age 3 as they are a choking hazard.
He's had cookies or granola barswith walnuts and almonds before a year.