Cloth Diapering

What are these?

I borrowed my SILs CDs to try out but with all the different types talked about on here, I don't know what these are even called. The outside has a bunch of snaps to adjust the size. The inside is one long piece and it can fold in two spots where it says small, medium, and large. Also, is this a popular kind to use? Do you have a kind you like better? Must be easy or DH will not do it.
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Re: What are these?

  • tjkdlhbtjkdlhb member

    Does the inside come all the way out?  If you can totally remove the inside it's a pocket diaper.  If the inside is attached then it's an All-in-one.

    DH prefers pocket diapers and all-in-ones.  I stuff the pocket diapers most of the time because then they go on just the same as an all-in-one. 

    ETA:  The diaper you described is also One-Size opposed to sized which means buying fewer diapers.  The same diaper will last from about 10 lbs to 35 lbs.  It is cheaper to do it with One Size diapers, but they will not fit until your baby is out of the newborn stage.  DD was 2 months old when the OS diapers started to fit.  Until then we used Kawaii Pure and Naturals (smaller pocket diapers) and prefolds/covers.  The Kawaii's still fit her at 16 lbs though and were only about $6 each.


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  • imageMKC12/22/2006:
    I borrowed my SILs CDs to try out but with all the different types talked about on here, I don't know what these are even called. The outside has a bunch of snaps to adjust the size. The inside is one long piece and it can fold in two spots where it says small, medium, and large. Also, is this a popular kind to use? Do you have a kind you like better? Must be easy or DH will not do it.

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  • Like pp said, sounds like a pocket. I had some nb AIOs that DH loved, but I don't like the long drying time, so I went with mostly pockets for my one size stash. I stuff before putting them away so they're nice and easy for DH and my stepmom.
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  • imageMKC12/22/2006:
    I borrowed my SILs CDs to try out but with all the different types talked about on here, I don't know what these are even called. The outside has a bunch of snaps to adjust the size. The inside is one long piece and it can fold in two spots where it says small, medium, and large. Also, is this a popular kind to use? Do you have a kind you like better? Must be easy or DH will not do it.

    If the inside comes completely out, it sounds like you are describing a Flip diaper. Some people call them "hybrids" I believe. They're fairly popular, although they're not my favorite b/c DS is a heavy wetter. If you like this system, you can replicate it using trifolded prefolds and a different cover. DH's favorite diapers for ease-of-use are pockets and All-in-Ones (AIOs).



  • The inside comes out completely. LO is 8 weeks today and they fit him on their smallest setting. Thanks for the info!
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