My husband & I have been offered to possibly adopt a family friend's baby that was born today (born to a young mom who hid the pregnancy from her parents and does not want to keep custody). The baby's grandparents only found out their daughter was pregnant today when she told them she was in labor. My sister went to visit the young girl and her parents (whom she's close friends with) in the hospital and mentioned to her friend (the baby's grandmother) that we have been ttc #3 without success and may be potentially interested in adopting the baby. The grandparents are going to discuss this scenario with their daughter tonight.
Needless to say, that after years and years of infertility treatments, my husband and I are very excited and would love to bring this baby home with us. We have never explored adoption and want to make sure we can (quickly) educate ourselves, should this family decide they would like us to adopt the baby.
Based on this information, what should we be thinking about that we aren't already?
Does anyone have ANY advice, tips, thoughts, etc., and/or websites, books, etc. you can share?
Thank you!!!!!
Re: HELP!! ?s about ASAP private adoption please!
Mother of two wonderful boys! Blessed through adoption.
Contact an attorney ASAP. You may be able to take the baby home and get an expedited homestudy in the interim. But it all needs to be documented, legalities sorted out, etc. A lawyer well versed in adoption should be able to walk you through it.
This is basically how our's went as well. Except for the timeframe. Our girls were 5 months old when we were approached about adopting them. We got gaurdianship of them in May, but due to some other issues we weren't able to get full custody until July, but our adoption was finalized in October. So it only took us 5 months to finalize and like you we weren't even looking into adopting so we had to do a homestudy and background checks.
Forever our's October 17th 2012
The timeframe is exactly why I would make sure that you are speaking to an attorney who is well versed in child custody and adoption. My first lawyer extended our time frame by 1 1/2 years because of a small detail that he over looked. We could have TPR and finalized in around 1 year if we had just gotten one more piece of paper signed. My second lawyer was wonderful. In my area, even the courts didn't know what to do with me. There was a lot misinformation given even by the courts. Find someone that you are comfortable with. If possible get references of other PAP who have used them.
Mother of two wonderful boys! Blessed through adoption.
Daughter #1 - February 12, 2010
natural m/c March 11, 2011 at 8 1/2 weeks
Daughter #2 - January 11, 2012
Ectopic pregnancy discovered November 6, 2012 at 6 weeks
Daughter #3 - January 19, 2014
Started our exploration into the world of international adoption June 2012. We have no idea what this is going to look like but we are excited to find out!