Pregnant after 35

New to Group :) FTM....

Good Day everyone and greetings! I was wondering if any of you have experienced dizziness when you hold your head down for slightly long periods of time.  I am only 5 weeks and I do not have morning sickness, I have just noticed some dizziness when I hold my head down.. anyone else experiencing the same or something similar?Tongue Tied

Re: New to Group :) FTM....

  • Geeps2Geeps2 member
    It's normal.  If I stand up too quickly I get light headed.  Had the same thing when I was pregnant with my daughter.  The fun of being pregnant :)

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  • Thanks Geeps2! Even at an early stage I feel winded when I walk a tad and taking in air and having more blood in my body.. cha cha cha changes indeed! Thanks for your feedback!
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  • I will certainly make a note of it! Ohh the growing list for my first 8 week check up LOL! Thanks for your support!
  • GuennieGuennie member
    Don't be alarmed if you feel like your heart is beating a little funny/working harder than usual sometimes too. I have had that and it worried me until my dr said it was normal.
    Me:41, DH:41 Positive for MTHFR mutations- one copy C677T, one copy A1298C. One daughter born on Thanksgiving in 2013. Six losses.
  • Welcome! Yep, I had dizzy spells during first trimester. Sometimes just sitting there I'd suddenly get a wave of dizziness and worry I was going to pass out. Went away along with morning sickness once I got into second tri. It's normal, but it never hurts to mention these things to your provider.
    Me: 38, DH: 35
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