I got it yesterday before I was discharged, and today I am having body aches, chills, sore muscles and joints. I know the redness and soreness in my arm is normal, but I want to make sure other symptoms arent c section related. My incision looks ok, typical pain, but no redness.
Me: 29 DH: 30
TTC # 1 since 2008, in denial of needing an RE until 2012
DX with severe MFI, straight to IVF
IVF #1 August 2012- stims 8/18, ER 8/28- 18R, 11M, 10F. 9/3 ET cancelled due to chronic OHSS. 6 awesome embies on ice! 9/27 FET Beta #1: 427-BFP!!! Beta #2: 856
First u/s 10/15: two sacs!! Ahh, twins!!