March 2013 Moms

Napping Strike

LO will be 11weeks on Saturday and has decided that she will no longer be napping during the day unless it is on top of me. She usually will sleep well in her swing but now she won't hardly nap at all. She is tired and grouchy but fights it so hard. I know she probably gets overtired during the day but I'm at a loss for how to get this kid to nap! Uhg! Anyone else? What are you doing to get LO to nap?

Re: Napping Strike

  • Mine was 11 weeks this past Saturday and he has been doing this since Monday! I think he knows I am going back to work next week and just wants to cuddle lol. Honestly though, I think he just wants to be awake as much as possible because he fights napping now and just wants to look around. He usually naps in the swing but now won't unless I am right there pushing the swing and playing music or if I am holding him. Sorry no advice. 
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  • PhoopyPhoopy member

    My DS is 11 weeks too and also started only sleeping on me during the day as of last week... He usually wakes the second I put him down (or 10 mins later if I'm lucky). While I love the cuddles, it's not easy to be stranded with him for hours a day!

     Sorry no help from me, but seems like this may be just a phase for 11-week olds? Does anyone know when it's likely to end, or do we have to force it?

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  • how about a quick drive around the neighborhood? i feel like when all else fails, being in the car ALWAYS puts my LO to sleep.
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Oh my goodness!  This is totally my day!  And, as it happens, our baby is 11 weeks, as well!  Let's hope this turns around ladies! I need a nap!  LOL!  I used everything in my bag of tricks and the only thing that worked was holding him on my chest & rocking.  A friend just downloaded a "baby quieter" app - I'm going to try that tomorrow!


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