LO will be 11weeks on Saturday and has decided that she will no longer be napping during the day unless it is on top of me. She usually will sleep well in her swing but now she won't hardly nap at all. She is tired and grouchy but fights it so hard. I know she probably gets overtired during the day but I'm at a loss for how to get this kid to nap! Uhg! Anyone else? What are you doing to get LO to nap?
Re: Napping Strike
My DS is 11 weeks too and also started only sleeping on me during the day as of last week... He usually wakes the second I put him down (or 10 mins later if I'm lucky). While I love the cuddles, it's not easy to be stranded with him for hours a day!
Sorry no help from me, but seems like this may be just a phase for 11-week olds? Does anyone know when it's likely to end, or do we have to force it?