I've heard of it but don't exactly what it entails. I'd be willing to try it though! I'm a WWer and have lost almost 30 lbs in 1 year though I'm sadly starting to put back on some weight
I have 3 friends on it now. The one who sticks to things is on her second round of it and she looks great. The other two I don't see a difference in, but they just dropped a boat load of money on a month of this cleanse but are not following appropriately because of a BBQ here or mdw there.
Unless you are really committed I don't see it showing results. And what happens when the cleanse is done with?
Re: Anyone tried the Isagenix weight loss plan?
I don't think could replace meals. I am not a very pleasant person when I am hungry. I have a friend that lost 30 pounds in two months on the program.
But, I don't know if I could only drink my food.
Have you known anyone to do this program?
No, thankfully
They just won't go away.
I hate these stupid, effing cleanses! You are not cleansing anything. You are fasting, which will make you lose weight.
How to lose weight:
-eat good food, but not too much
-move your body
I'll take my money now.
Unless you are really committed I don't see it showing results. And what happens when the cleanse is done with?